leaving monday morning
yeah so biggest news in my life right now is that i'm going to australia on an abroad trip next monday... yeah i'll be back early november...O.o XP for those who don't believe me www.peopletopeople.org i think thats the website or its www.studentambassadors.org but i was playing a prank that i had left this morning, but that didnt work cause they have the locker next to mine XP while i was walking down the street with the tupaware i needed for japanese cause i brought in cookies i realized i was unconciously tapping on the bowls in tune with whatever music i was listening too and i didnt noticed till i saw the wierd looks others were giving me XP now im downloading narrow stairs. i gotta go to the library soon and i still havent finished brisngr and i got a new book called wicked that looks good XP O.o
yesterday i got soaking yet from the rain storm. today we talked all day in creative writting class again.
-----------update-------------cause i had to eat dinner the totally forgot till this morning-------
so now my list for anthem about all the random things that popped in my head during our socratic siminar. 1. now please picture a bunch of 45 year olds playing Wii 2. now picture all the ppl in the city pulling off their human masks as soon as equality and liberty leave 3. all the ppl in the city are thrown into a ditch by a bulldose (this is esspecially funny since they had no bulldosers) 4. the council members and equality are having a socratic siminar, one of them talks out of turn and that starts a fist fight 5. all the council members go out on a secret mission to destroy New York City and Tokyo with a club
yeah you won't really get that if you haven't read the book.
i saw egal ey yesterday, ignore the stupid critics who almost prevented me from seeing it. all the great movies are far-fetched like star wars, lord of the rings, bourne identity and etc.!!!!!!! XP
-----------update-------------cause i had to eat dinner the totally forgot till this morning-------
so now my list for anthem about all the random things that popped in my head during our socratic siminar. 1. now please picture a bunch of 45 year olds playing Wii 2. now picture all the ppl in the city pulling off their human masks as soon as equality and liberty leave 3. all the ppl in the city are thrown into a ditch by a bulldose (this is esspecially funny since they had no bulldosers) 4. the council members and equality are having a socratic siminar, one of them talks out of turn and that starts a fist fight 5. all the council members go out on a secret mission to destroy New York City and Tokyo with a club
yeah you won't really get that if you haven't read the book.
i saw egal ey yesterday, ignore the stupid critics who almost prevented me from seeing it. all the great movies are far-fetched like star wars, lord of the rings, bourne identity and etc.!!!!!!! XP
yeah, yeah, yeah
so...... they wrote our names and class on our backs and pants in PE, awkward and tickle-ish. and i appsolutely love my creative writing class, all we did today was talk about movies, nothing else was acomplished XP
131 post
blah, stuck watching my lil sis again, but all i have to do is play does your chain hang low and she stops crying, and yes we are a white country family in VA that has just watched dribit taylor with that song in it. sooooooo the class next door to my japanese class was play what seemed like star wars, i thought it was the third but the guy behind me thought diffrently, later they were playing some music so that sounded like indiana jones, so we were both decclared to not be star wars geeks, but indiana jones doesnt have light sabers..... yeaaaah, my spanish gave us dounghts cause we listed the most words and were gonna get candy cause my side of the room yelled louder, and we had a smaller group XP
so i finally got to page 100 of brisingr, not a real good sing, but its getting better ....ish. blargh gotta work on my creative writting wikispace XP
phycologically dumbfounded
the mountain of things i don't know will always out weigh what i do know.
Que pasa?
Yo hablo todo el blogio en elspano porque yo no tengo cosas hacer. Comprendes? No? Yo dos. XP Yo no compredo elspano mucho para yo no soy estudia.
yeah so i got the book yesterday, just now getting to the point where i willingly do something other than read and listen to music. rebecca never called me back so i'm just hanging at my house XP lets see review on brisingar, paolini soooooo needs to work on his openings, he got it right with eragon but not with the last two. ah well, maybe he'll get it right next time, and i wonder if he'll write anything else. blargh
so guess what...
yeah i dont have brisingar now, didnt get the book cause my step dad didnt want me to drag my mom out at twelve to get the book... misery consumes me. but me and my mom did watch disterbia, nice mother daughter moment watching another kids mom get hit on the head and the kid stalking this girl from his own house. O.o
i only noticed that i was home alone when the neighbors rang the door bell to look for their kid
yeah, no one wanted to go to the opening with me TT.TT uber sad! XP if u dont know what opening i'm talking about you obviously havent been around me all this week, but since the only ppl who read this havent been around i shall tell, brisingar comes out tonight!! XP i would be happy if only i had gotten somebody to come with me, cause my moms not gonna go to the opening. we got disturbia and my step dads probaly gonna take me to eagle eye next week, how do i know this, cause he kept asking me about when it came out. do they think im stupid? blargh i made friends with some of the freshies, or i acttually had a decent conversation with one about mrs. a and the painted desk from last year. XP my life is becoming boring, i just got breaking dawn from the library and have gotten to the reception after the jacob episode. XP then i was reading prince of tennis and chibi vampire. bored, though i could be working on my home work, nah XP
so yeah i had to stay after school for a quiz that took me like ten minutes XP and now my math teacher knows i'm an academy student, and apparently she fails all her students that are from the academy, and when i said it she went 'oh' O.o soooooo need to transfer out of that class. so when it was over i started reading then went back out side, i talked with brian and scott for about an hour then scott left then i just waited for my mom XP
no title just ramblings
my new shoes have killed my feet and picture day is tomorrow and im a gonna have to wear a skirt, O.o then i'll have to stay after school to make up a math quiz for ms. melton, who is pure evil in the greatest digise, aka she is just making my life difficult. during spanish i almost wrote a whole song by the academy is... and i got a b in science. guess that sums up my day. now i shall tell of the weekend that i forgot to write last . soooooooooo...i was with my mom and sisters and we went to the chocolate shop, i had gone there with ashley and kaitlynn and we went there and this guy gave us like 5 extra chocolates than what the sign said. so when we went there last weekend i saw the same guy, almost hoping that he'd give me those 5 extra chocolates, but his boss was standing right there, or at least they looked to have senority over him, so i didnt get the five extra chocolates. :( i finished anthem last night great book!!!!!!!! brilliance!!!!! as i screamed a million times to my family members. and the new house that came on last night, i didnt get to see cause my step dad was being a butt and wouldnt leave me alone for ONE hour. i got a blister from trying to moww the lawn over the weekend and it looks all weird now.
such a great book!!!!! Anthem by Ayn Rand, she is brillient, her book is like the giver, a futuristic society that has lost all advancements and lose connection with the world. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! tho i've only read half of it cause the stupid teachers kept giving me the evil eye so i put it away and i'm gonna have to read my two page small print essay aloud. XP i still got some homework to finish and rebecca i'm sorry my phone died again cause i cannot find my original charger so we bought another one but that only charges my phone to one bar. and my mp3 died too
read the essay
please kind people give me feedback on the essay, and rebecca most of the time i did read your debates and im sorry that my battery died on me while we were talking. and amanda don't use my school name in post and i havent seen mr.d though hes given me an essay, i'll explain later
this is my personal essay for those who'd like to read it
Let my mind break loose, let everything go. Let my thoughts roam to the unknown and explore every darken corner. Let me critic, applauded, and rejoice. Let my mind be filled with thoughts unknown. Let me, let all be free with no restrictions other than the boundaries of our minds. Break free of the bonds that hold us so tightly so we can wander aimlessly. Let us choice not to have a set destination or path to follow. All I want is to be free and not confined.
Thoughts roam as they will and they will never change, for no one can disapprove of thoughts they never hear. I find my mind wandering territory I never could imagine existed until I, myself, saw it with my own mind. So now that I have been down this road, or train of thought, I find myself going again and again to search through all the roads that lead off this track.
The first two roads are simplistic, one going left and one going right. So out of pure curiosity I stop and look down both roads, though I am already certain that I would take neither of these paths. The rode to the right was well traveled and looked as if half the world had walked through it. There was a light at the end of the road that seemed to be as bright as the sun, yet it seemed either fake or too real to believe in. Farther down the road to the right there were steep steps leading up into the stars and dark sky.
I then turn back to the other road to my left and see an almost equally traveled path. This path was as full of dark shadows as the other was full of light. Though this path seemed to spiral downwards far down the path. This path to the left was much like the one to the right, though they looked so different. They both seemed too real to believe in and so transparent it must be fake. As I turn back to the way I was originally going I notice two words at the bottom of each of the paths. The word in front of the right path said ‘Good’ and the word for the left said ‘Evil’. Two simplistic words for two simple paths.
I continue down the path I was on and went passed many other paths. All these paths were as simple as the first two and were labeled just as simple. All the paths always had the same two directions, one side going left the other right. There were always the two paths, never one alone. There were ‘Betrayal’, ‘Greed’, and ‘Lies’ to the left and ‘Trust’, ‘Give’, and ‘Truth’ to the right. All the paths I had passed so far were one or the other, a clear shot to wherever the path was headed, never more complex than picking one. The paths, for the most part, were clear, no obstacles to block the goal, therefore I thought the goal must not be such a grand prize. For what could you get for no more effort than picking what you want.
As I wonder down this main path, I wonder of where this path goes, for all paths must go somewhere. Unless this one path splits, it will continue on, and as it seems now, go nowhere. Then I wonder if there will ever be any other path that I would like to take, and if I would take it.
As I continue down the path searching the others, I notice that the further I got the more complex the paths are. Not just the paths to the left and right, but my path’s terrain seems rougher to. Though my path had gotten harder, I had barely noticed. I was focused on going on, continuing my journey, and would not get discouraged by something so simply fixed with some perseverance.
The words of the paths I passed became more complex and not all of them were white and black. Then I find myself stopping at a path to the right named ‘Curiosity’, the path opposite being named ‘Tempest’. The one I faced held a mysterious air that made me want to dare enter. The path seemed to go on and on with no end. I thought of going through this path, leaving the one I had been traveling behind. But then I looked back to the way I had been going, at all the other options I would pass and all the difficulties I would have to pass to see those other choices. I turned back to face my path and realized I had been facing to the left, facing the ‘Tempest’, only thinking that the path was ‘Curiosity’. I looked at the real path to the right and saw it was named ‘Refusal’. I smiled to myself, now know I can refuse being tempted, and continued down the path I was on, wondering if I would always be on this path.
The paths became more frequent as I traveled on. There became a time where there was not a rode on each side. The first rode that did not have another was named ‘Rebellion’. The rode was on the right, but rather than going straight and up it curved until it was parallel to my path was. But then it went off to the right again and continue so far that my eyes could not see. The path was covered with obstacles that went with the word and I was tempted to stray from my path and face the challenges that came with ‘Rebellion’. I shock my head and turned around to see if I could still see the ‘Tempest’ in the distance. I could barely see, but I knew that it was there waiting for me to give in. I looked back at the ‘Rebellion’ and smiled sadly, even though I would like to go I would rather continue down my path. So I continued back down my path wishing I could travel both.
Another path caught my interest as I headed down my own. ‘Thought’. It seemed to be full of twist, turns, and complexities. I tried to follow its path with my eyes, not daring to step any closer to the path. As it swirled to the left, I examined all the different obstacles that lined the path and thought how a person could ever make it to the end. To find an answer I thought more of the word, and saw that it was more complex than I could imagine. This kind of thought, so deep and full of philosophy, could never be simple and risk free. I stepped closer to the path and was overwhelmed by the sense of responsibility, complication, and pressure. I immediately stepped back for fear of not being able to handle the pressure the air around the path. This path was not for me, for though I love all the many thoughts that exist I could not comprehend the thoughts this path lead to. Rather than ‘Thought’ it should have been named ‘Challenge’, for all the thoughts the path lead to challenged everything the common mind was built up of.
As I continue on my rode passing all the options I could take, ignoring each one of them, until I see something in the far off distance. I paused for a second unsure of my decision to move on or quickly chose a different path. The paths around me still seemed like nothing and I saw none that I would ever pick. I know that everything comes to an end eventually, but an end seemed to soon to be. I walked on mindlessly, hoping a path that I could go down would show. None did. But I knew that the path I was on was my own and it was where I should.
I reach the end of my path, never turning, and am disappointed. My journey is over and I am left with just the word at the end of my path. I turn back around and look at all the obstacles I had passed and all the other paths I refused to take and realize that the word I had found was right. I turned back to the word and bent down so I could run my hands over the letters. The word was carved in the ground with handwriting that fascinated me as much as the word did. ‘Wanderer’. Before this journey, I would have never considered the word to have much importance, but now at the end of my journey I treasure the word as if it were my own. I stand back up to look beyond the end and then carefully stepped over it. I shall continue to wander and wonder where I shall go.
Let me wander, let me roam. Do not hold me to one single path, let the options continue. Though I know I will not pick just one path and will keep wondering, let me have the option of choosing. Let me be free to pick if I change my mind, though I know I will not. Though I am fated to stay on one path and never turn, let me feel as though I have the option to change my fate. So I can feel free. If it is my will to be free and is my own idea to be free.
Thoughts roam as they will and they will never change, for no one can disapprove of thoughts they never hear. I find my mind wandering territory I never could imagine existed until I, myself, saw it with my own mind. So now that I have been down this road, or train of thought, I find myself going again and again to search through all the roads that lead off this track.
The first two roads are simplistic, one going left and one going right. So out of pure curiosity I stop and look down both roads, though I am already certain that I would take neither of these paths. The rode to the right was well traveled and looked as if half the world had walked through it. There was a light at the end of the road that seemed to be as bright as the sun, yet it seemed either fake or too real to believe in. Farther down the road to the right there were steep steps leading up into the stars and dark sky.
I then turn back to the other road to my left and see an almost equally traveled path. This path was as full of dark shadows as the other was full of light. Though this path seemed to spiral downwards far down the path. This path to the left was much like the one to the right, though they looked so different. They both seemed too real to believe in and so transparent it must be fake. As I turn back to the way I was originally going I notice two words at the bottom of each of the paths. The word in front of the right path said ‘Good’ and the word for the left said ‘Evil’. Two simplistic words for two simple paths.
I continue down the path I was on and went passed many other paths. All these paths were as simple as the first two and were labeled just as simple. All the paths always had the same two directions, one side going left the other right. There were always the two paths, never one alone. There were ‘Betrayal’, ‘Greed’, and ‘Lies’ to the left and ‘Trust’, ‘Give’, and ‘Truth’ to the right. All the paths I had passed so far were one or the other, a clear shot to wherever the path was headed, never more complex than picking one. The paths, for the most part, were clear, no obstacles to block the goal, therefore I thought the goal must not be such a grand prize. For what could you get for no more effort than picking what you want.
As I wonder down this main path, I wonder of where this path goes, for all paths must go somewhere. Unless this one path splits, it will continue on, and as it seems now, go nowhere. Then I wonder if there will ever be any other path that I would like to take, and if I would take it.
As I continue down the path searching the others, I notice that the further I got the more complex the paths are. Not just the paths to the left and right, but my path’s terrain seems rougher to. Though my path had gotten harder, I had barely noticed. I was focused on going on, continuing my journey, and would not get discouraged by something so simply fixed with some perseverance.
The words of the paths I passed became more complex and not all of them were white and black. Then I find myself stopping at a path to the right named ‘Curiosity’, the path opposite being named ‘Tempest’. The one I faced held a mysterious air that made me want to dare enter. The path seemed to go on and on with no end. I thought of going through this path, leaving the one I had been traveling behind. But then I looked back to the way I had been going, at all the other options I would pass and all the difficulties I would have to pass to see those other choices. I turned back to face my path and realized I had been facing to the left, facing the ‘Tempest’, only thinking that the path was ‘Curiosity’. I looked at the real path to the right and saw it was named ‘Refusal’. I smiled to myself, now know I can refuse being tempted, and continued down the path I was on, wondering if I would always be on this path.
The paths became more frequent as I traveled on. There became a time where there was not a rode on each side. The first rode that did not have another was named ‘Rebellion’. The rode was on the right, but rather than going straight and up it curved until it was parallel to my path was. But then it went off to the right again and continue so far that my eyes could not see. The path was covered with obstacles that went with the word and I was tempted to stray from my path and face the challenges that came with ‘Rebellion’. I shock my head and turned around to see if I could still see the ‘Tempest’ in the distance. I could barely see, but I knew that it was there waiting for me to give in. I looked back at the ‘Rebellion’ and smiled sadly, even though I would like to go I would rather continue down my path. So I continued back down my path wishing I could travel both.
Another path caught my interest as I headed down my own. ‘Thought’. It seemed to be full of twist, turns, and complexities. I tried to follow its path with my eyes, not daring to step any closer to the path. As it swirled to the left, I examined all the different obstacles that lined the path and thought how a person could ever make it to the end. To find an answer I thought more of the word, and saw that it was more complex than I could imagine. This kind of thought, so deep and full of philosophy, could never be simple and risk free. I stepped closer to the path and was overwhelmed by the sense of responsibility, complication, and pressure. I immediately stepped back for fear of not being able to handle the pressure the air around the path. This path was not for me, for though I love all the many thoughts that exist I could not comprehend the thoughts this path lead to. Rather than ‘Thought’ it should have been named ‘Challenge’, for all the thoughts the path lead to challenged everything the common mind was built up of.
As I continue on my rode passing all the options I could take, ignoring each one of them, until I see something in the far off distance. I paused for a second unsure of my decision to move on or quickly chose a different path. The paths around me still seemed like nothing and I saw none that I would ever pick. I know that everything comes to an end eventually, but an end seemed to soon to be. I walked on mindlessly, hoping a path that I could go down would show. None did. But I knew that the path I was on was my own and it was where I should.
I reach the end of my path, never turning, and am disappointed. My journey is over and I am left with just the word at the end of my path. I turn back around and look at all the obstacles I had passed and all the other paths I refused to take and realize that the word I had found was right. I turned back to the word and bent down so I could run my hands over the letters. The word was carved in the ground with handwriting that fascinated me as much as the word did. ‘Wanderer’. Before this journey, I would have never considered the word to have much importance, but now at the end of my journey I treasure the word as if it were my own. I stand back up to look beyond the end and then carefully stepped over it. I shall continue to wander and wonder where I shall go.
Let me wander, let me roam. Do not hold me to one single path, let the options continue. Though I know I will not pick just one path and will keep wondering, let me have the option of choosing. Let me be free to pick if I change my mind, though I know I will not. Though I am fated to stay on one path and never turn, let me feel as though I have the option to change my fate. So I can feel free. If it is my will to be free and is my own idea to be free.
bored out of my mind
i've been watching house all day, learning stuff ive already forgotten about diffrent diseases. caught up on mst of my home work, just gotta finish science, creative writting, and math XP i can't figure out a subject for my personal essay. ideas from you people reading this would help, like now!!! its due monday, if we get in school monday cause of some storm
*insert random title name here*
japanese was cool today, but i wore my hair in a pony tale at the top of my head, so every time we had to practice bowing all my hair would fall in my face, and maggie being their made it a little bit worse. yesterday i went to the yearbook meeting and i have to interview a senior junior sophmore and freshmen, two boys one girl, also get teacher recomendations. XP i got too much homework. XP
another set of classes
first was japanesse! i now know how to write a, e, i, o, and u XP and maggie's in my class. next was geometry, a big bore and my teacher doesnt seem all that nice. then spanish 3, which i'm just taking for the credit now cause i need 4 years of 1 language and 2 of another. my teacher sounds like nicolas cage, when he's not speaking spanish and i can tell that im gonna dread the class. then was earth science and my teacher seems great, but we had to takeour books home (i had science and geometry) so my backpack killed me on my way home and this is just my gohst.
first day of school
my bus took to long so my mom just drove me. and as soon i entered the school it was like entering a concert. first was world lit and comp that was okay we have to write a thing about a parodox. then i had to go to health and they told us a bunch of the same junk and gave us the drivers ed manual. then i had creative writting (YEAH!) and there were only 12 people in our class and four of them are loud mouth seniors. we have to write a biopoem there then i went to glbl studies 2, and our teacher seems okay. guess thats it, XP and if rebecca is reading this, turn on your phone
every time i prush my teeth i hear lets get the party started
school is not tomorrow, leave me in my denial. i shall still be in denial after weeks of school, or maybe just till my alarm clock rings tomorrow. so what am i doing with my last bit of freedom, nothing, which is exactly how i should spend it. i listened to the same three cds over and over, just cause its the academy is..., read some manga, and am now listening to the 100 greatest songs of the 80's. XP i'm really bored. and i found out that i cant go to tai's concert unless i can get a friend and adult to come with, cause apparently the concerts in a bar O.o i didn't know that till my mom told me. but i wanna go!! tho i still dont have enough money to even buy one ticket.
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