
posting in class on a half day

i'm in systems, which is one of my boringest classes every. it all politics that i dont care about.

other things to say, that i know i won't have time to write about in class:
new moon
andrew jackson (my step-dad, there is a reason for his new name)
my class ring
school in general
random stuff i'll think about later
the steering wheel laptop desk
people/class issues
driving, or not
me mori having iss (note mori is sophmore)

it seems like alot but it isn't, cause i'll just shorten it all up than write it


yeah no school today

no school and i'm soooooooooo bored

all my homework stuff has been done

i got to find out when i have to stay after to count coins for unicef

we're reading bless me, ultima in english, which is cool cause its got alot of spanish content and it completely blows my mind when i actually get the spanish in it

this post lacks any content, which is kinda depressing