
Books hold more than words, they carry memories

So right now I have either sinuses or allergies, neither really a big, but still a major pain. Last time I had allergies my doctor wanted to take all my book out of my room. I promptly told her she was insane if she thought I could ever do such a horrid thing.

So I didn't think I would have anything to post, but I actually do. But I think I'm gonna save the drama for later and talk about silly things first, when I say silly I mean stupid side stuff that makes me smile when I think back on it or stuff that really just isn't that important.

Let's see, in my world religions class we are doing skits (or movies, if you chose to do so) and one person said that their skit would be the Monty Python version of the story because none of us are actors and all that. But as soon as she says that my teacher stare at me as if accusing me for curropting everyone's minds with Monty Python. Now I'm not denying that, but still the accusation was uncalled for.

I have no more state tests for the rest of my life!!!!

Hmmm, I can't think of more small stuff so I guess, I'll just dive into the drama.

Right, so Saturday night my step-dad, Mike, decided he was gonna go to some intervention detox thing for him being an alchoolic, which he is, I would know. Anyways, we were all proud of him and all cause it was a big step. But yesterday when he picked me up as I was walking home he told me he was gonna wait untill summer so that while he was missing work at least we didn't have to worry about daycare for my other two sisters. I got that, but majorly he was putting it off and that the more he put it off the harder it was going to be later. Yesterday was one of my sister's birthday and of course Mike suddenly goes on about wanting to go then. So after opening presents and sharing cake with the neighborhood kids, he draws out going untill around ten. So while they left, my mom taking Mike, I got the two girls down and fell asleep myself. My mom got home, I moved to my bed, heard the phone ring a couple of times, couldn't get up, and later heard Mike back home because the place wouldn't allow him to have his own room, with the ties that were in his pants, and the sheets they had were apparently itchy and he has sensitive skin.

Right, so I feel extremely bad for my sister. But I'm kinda mad at Mike because I know that it's only gonna be harder for him to commit to such a thing and all that.

So, not sure about all that, but I think I'll get through all this. I'm only here for another year plus some months.


So I think it sounds funny, but I’d like to hear what you have to say

Rain fell all over the big city, light drops of water that could not disturb the sleepless. It was the kind of rain that you could easily dance through if you were in the mood to. Vivian was in that mood. She stepped out of the theater, buttoning up her dark brown over coat and pulling her hair up so that it all stayed under her fedora. Each one of her movements was a small step in some grand dance that could only take place here and now and never again.

Yet a thunder clap disrupted the ceremony and brought down thick sheets of rain, the kind of rain that no matter what mood you had you began to feel depressed because everything was being washed away. The rain soaked Vivian began to run to some shelter, anything that would protect her from the water that was attacking. Finally she could stand peacefully under some ledge, soaked but still happy to be alive while she waited the rain out.

Cars zoomed past Vivian, as if her presence was completely erased, that was until one small black card pulled over to the curb and stopped in front of her. Out of the car stepped Daniel Zardoni, cigarette in one hand and a large black umbrella in the other. While Vivian was completely unaware of who Daniel was, the rest of the world knew.

Daniel stopped before Vivian, putting his cigarette back in his mouth and holding out a hand for Vivian to shake. Vivian’s face was painted with suspicious confusion, her forest green eyes looking over Daniel as if he gave off an air of supremacy, which he did.

“Hello my good lady, I’m sorry to have surprised you, but you seemed trapped within this curtain of rain. I am Daniel Zardoni and you, you must be my wife.” Daniel kept his hand out, open so that Vivian could easily reach out to him, a rare opportunity. But Vivian had been offended by Daniel’s outrageous prediction of her being his wife.

“I’m sorry sir, but I’m not quite so sure if I should be escorted by a guy like you.” Vivian turned her head, so that she could not as easily look over Daniel, though that is what she desired to do. Daniel was taller than her, but not so much so that you could describe him as ‘towering’ over her. He had well kept black hair and grey eyes that were full of confidence rather than dejection from Vivian’s words.

“C’mon, babe, we both know you don’t wanna be stuck in this rain. The man on the radio just said that this downpour was going to last awhile, and I hate for such a pretty young lady like you to catch a cold from standing out in all this rain.” Vivian was compelled by Daniel’s words, and while she had no intention of ever becoming interested in him romantically, she took his opened hand and allowed him to lead her to his car.

Vivian and Daniel sat in the back seat of the car, each sitting against a window, leaving the middle a blank empty space between them. The front two seats were occupied by two fellas that were dressed similarly to Daniel, suit, tie, and fedora. The one driving, Benji, was skinny and tall with brown hair and blue eyes that were focused on the road. The other one up front, Sammy, was well built and had true a Italian complexion, and was eyeing Vivian from the rearview mirror.

“Don, why’d you go and pick this chick up?” It was Sammy who had spoken, but not until they had pulled away from the curb and were emerged in the normal traffic. Daniel looked back over to Vivian with a smile, but his eyes were looking over her, examining the likelihood that she was out to kill him like so many others.

“Just listen to me, Sammy. You think I’m some kind of idiot who falls for any chick with a good set of legs?” With Daniel’s eyes still on her Vivian turned away, not wanting him to see her checks brighten and pulled down her red dress so that it may cover more of her legs.

“I certainly hope not, else you’ll be sleepin’ with the fishes rather than dictating where they lay.” Sammy was some sort of pessimist, the kind that just stated what was a bad idea and made a small side comment on it, but never intervened any more than that.

“Ignore him babe. He’s just sore ‘cause there’s something on TV that he wants to watch. Now you tell Benji here where you want to go and we’ll get you there, no problem.” Daniel patted Benji’s seat, trying to get Vivian to look back over to him. Vivian simply looked up to the review mirror, so that she could address Benji rather than the presumptuous man next to her.

“If you would be so kind, I would appreciate it if you could drop me off at the cafeteria of New York University.”

“So you’re a student at NYU? What are you studying?” Vivian turned to Daniel, since it would have been extremely rude of her to speak to him while facing the opposite way.

“I am not particularly studying anything. I plan on being an actress, in fact I just came from an audition for a new play on Broadway.”

I waited and waited for u to sit beside me, but u were behind me the whole time

I feel like I should have some kind of introduction before I go on rambling again, but have got no clue what I mean by that. *shrugs* oh well, it's not like anyone will care if I jump right into things anyways, who's gonna stop me?

So lets see, the guy I was talking about in the last post, for name's sake we'll call him my GerMan, cause he is a Geman exchange student after all (note this makes me liking him even more helpless because all the exchange students are leaving this year). Anyways I saw him at my one SOL, and he came in late and sat in the way back. T.T But maybe he will be in my last SOL or maybe fate will intervene and put us together, otherwise I suppose it's not meant to be.

My SAT scores sorta depressed me, I mean it was my first try and all but still, I really don't wanna have to take them again. Right now as far as colleges go, I'm only really thinking of three specific ones. CNU, which is real close to home and has an amazing atmosphere (plus a Chick-Fil-A on campus), MMC, a place in NY, NY and at least looks cool and has this amazing writting center, and the last one is SWU which is in Texas but has everything I want and this cool program where they have a bunch of bikes on campus and you can use any of them on campus to go anywhere.

Nothing else going on, got inducted into Latin honor society, and it was at the same place as al the other language honor socities, and I was sorta angry that I had never been invited to Japanese or Spanish honor society. But Latin's way cooler anyways, we have a whole Monty Python movie to reference.

Speaking of Monty Python, there are these cards that you can buy called Fluxx and they've got a Monty Python themed version that I wanna get. I'm still trying to convince my mom to order it for me off of Amazon.

Seeing as I've been going through a major Mafia phase, I have to written something along those lines, I spent on whole Math class writting quotes from the store I'm planning on writting all over my Math ws. So instead of that other story, I'm gonna post this story, mainly because I can't write anymore for the other one, named Fated (I think). The reason I can't write is because Apollo has left my blessing and the Godfather has taken over. What I write completely depends on what influence I'm under, which is a major problem because my influence always changes and I can never finish something.

Ummm, I think that's it for now. TTFN (and yes I am quoting Winne the Pooh)


breathe in and hope for the best, i'd pray but i'm not sure i can

so its testing week at school and all.
I'm pretty excited, truth be told. But seeing as that's somewhat out of character I figure I might as well explain.

So when I had my ring ceremony there was this guy I had never seen before sitting between me and Ashley. Yeah, enough said, I dragged him into out convorsation because he was cute and all but he humored me and it was nice. Anways, I had hoped to see him at the dance, but didn't. Later I added him as a friend of FB, but I also learned he was an exchange student from Germany, so I had pretty much given up, and figured it wasn't fate for us to be together and all that jazz.
However, for our testing we're organized by last name, so me and him will be in at least one testing area together. So I'm majorly hoping that we can sit next to each other and talk again and maybe play cards if they let us.

Please tell me if I sound foolish

Anyways other than that, I've been going through a major mob/mafia phase, and just watched the first Godfather. Loved it! Though I've always liked movies like that.

I was in the news Friday for being part of a prom that we held for the disabled people in our area. It was sooooooooo much fun and my feet are still sore. Our theme was Hollywood, so I dressed up in a red dress and my hat (that looks sorta like Sinatra's) and had the bright red lipstick and candy ciggarets. My idea was to look like the chick that swept into the PI's office askin' for help, when in truth she's completely involved in all the underground stuff.
Nice, huh?

Got chastised for not being able to cuss today, but it was funny, cause the more I refused the more Tolsten cussed, plus he was getting all rilled up with the game that we were playing today in the caf. since none of us had test and couldn't get another ride. Anyways the game was very interesting, there was marriage, divorce, insects, gay insect, sandwich, and doubles. O.o

In English we are now reading A Catcher in the Rye and I am absolutely in love with it!!! There is one part where Holden talks about how you can read a book and feel like you're friends with the author and you could just talk to them on the phone like old friends, but of course Salinger(sp?) just recently died and all and I got a little depressed, but not enough to quite reading. I love the writing style, it's real random but it's not uncomprehensiblely so.

So I just got done reading this burn book thing for my school and the only thing that I learned was that my school is full of people that the whole school is full of phonies and people who are just above it all. I mean every other post/comment thing was about how immature the person who made the website was, except no one said it real nicely. But I mean, they still read it, ie I'm no better for reading. So there are some good people that somewhat indulge themselves in the drama, but know good and well when it goes to far and then there are the ppl that push it, which is absolutely rediculous.

anyways, i'm gonna try to post regularly, see ya


my world religions class never learns anything, so i might as well post

so i was reading some old writtings and got nostaligia.

i had been having writers block on the story i had posted, but the block is gone now and i can continue writting. i figured out that i only get in the right mood to write it after having learned more about the gods and godesses in latin class.

anyways as far as life goes nothing major has really happened. i had gotten my liscense in november and i finally drove by myself for the first time a week or so ago. now i'm driving to school and having my mom just get out and change seats when i drop myself off. fun, huh?

so i've been getting worried about the senior project i have to do next year. but fortunately i dont have to come up with something cause mr.d has decided that i will be doing 5 blood drives next year ...
not too thrilled but considering its not that hard i might as well, i mean all we did at the blood drive yesterday was make forts out of the water bottles and cups. well mr.d used the water bottles, but my cup fort was waaaaaay better than his.

well class is over, see ya. i might post the rest of the story when i write it and type it up.