
breathe in and hope for the best, i'd pray but i'm not sure i can

so its testing week at school and all.
I'm pretty excited, truth be told. But seeing as that's somewhat out of character I figure I might as well explain.

So when I had my ring ceremony there was this guy I had never seen before sitting between me and Ashley. Yeah, enough said, I dragged him into out convorsation because he was cute and all but he humored me and it was nice. Anways, I had hoped to see him at the dance, but didn't. Later I added him as a friend of FB, but I also learned he was an exchange student from Germany, so I had pretty much given up, and figured it wasn't fate for us to be together and all that jazz.
However, for our testing we're organized by last name, so me and him will be in at least one testing area together. So I'm majorly hoping that we can sit next to each other and talk again and maybe play cards if they let us.

Please tell me if I sound foolish

Anyways other than that, I've been going through a major mob/mafia phase, and just watched the first Godfather. Loved it! Though I've always liked movies like that.

I was in the news Friday for being part of a prom that we held for the disabled people in our area. It was sooooooooo much fun and my feet are still sore. Our theme was Hollywood, so I dressed up in a red dress and my hat (that looks sorta like Sinatra's) and had the bright red lipstick and candy ciggarets. My idea was to look like the chick that swept into the PI's office askin' for help, when in truth she's completely involved in all the underground stuff.
Nice, huh?

Got chastised for not being able to cuss today, but it was funny, cause the more I refused the more Tolsten cussed, plus he was getting all rilled up with the game that we were playing today in the caf. since none of us had test and couldn't get another ride. Anyways the game was very interesting, there was marriage, divorce, insects, gay insect, sandwich, and doubles. O.o

In English we are now reading A Catcher in the Rye and I am absolutely in love with it!!! There is one part where Holden talks about how you can read a book and feel like you're friends with the author and you could just talk to them on the phone like old friends, but of course Salinger(sp?) just recently died and all and I got a little depressed, but not enough to quite reading. I love the writing style, it's real random but it's not uncomprehensiblely so.

So I just got done reading this burn book thing for my school and the only thing that I learned was that my school is full of people that the whole school is full of phonies and people who are just above it all. I mean every other post/comment thing was about how immature the person who made the website was, except no one said it real nicely. But I mean, they still read it, ie I'm no better for reading. So there are some good people that somewhat indulge themselves in the drama, but know good and well when it goes to far and then there are the ppl that push it, which is absolutely rediculous.

anyways, i'm gonna try to post regularly, see ya

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