
I waited and waited for u to sit beside me, but u were behind me the whole time

I feel like I should have some kind of introduction before I go on rambling again, but have got no clue what I mean by that. *shrugs* oh well, it's not like anyone will care if I jump right into things anyways, who's gonna stop me?

So lets see, the guy I was talking about in the last post, for name's sake we'll call him my GerMan, cause he is a Geman exchange student after all (note this makes me liking him even more helpless because all the exchange students are leaving this year). Anyways I saw him at my one SOL, and he came in late and sat in the way back. T.T But maybe he will be in my last SOL or maybe fate will intervene and put us together, otherwise I suppose it's not meant to be.

My SAT scores sorta depressed me, I mean it was my first try and all but still, I really don't wanna have to take them again. Right now as far as colleges go, I'm only really thinking of three specific ones. CNU, which is real close to home and has an amazing atmosphere (plus a Chick-Fil-A on campus), MMC, a place in NY, NY and at least looks cool and has this amazing writting center, and the last one is SWU which is in Texas but has everything I want and this cool program where they have a bunch of bikes on campus and you can use any of them on campus to go anywhere.

Nothing else going on, got inducted into Latin honor society, and it was at the same place as al the other language honor socities, and I was sorta angry that I had never been invited to Japanese or Spanish honor society. But Latin's way cooler anyways, we have a whole Monty Python movie to reference.

Speaking of Monty Python, there are these cards that you can buy called Fluxx and they've got a Monty Python themed version that I wanna get. I'm still trying to convince my mom to order it for me off of Amazon.

Seeing as I've been going through a major Mafia phase, I have to written something along those lines, I spent on whole Math class writting quotes from the store I'm planning on writting all over my Math ws. So instead of that other story, I'm gonna post this story, mainly because I can't write anymore for the other one, named Fated (I think). The reason I can't write is because Apollo has left my blessing and the Godfather has taken over. What I write completely depends on what influence I'm under, which is a major problem because my influence always changes and I can never finish something.

Ummm, I think that's it for now. TTFN (and yes I am quoting Winne the Pooh)

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