
where is everybody!?!?!?!?!?

everybody seems to be gone. only hideki's left. are they ubducting you guys? ahhhhhhhhh aliens have captured senpai and agamemnon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmmm.....what happened today, nothing. mrs.a wouldn't let me eat the strawberries in our lab :( and rebecca and not-hyper-amanda said i should enter that pagent(glares at them coldly), so i wounder if they would like to pay my entrence fee(hypothetically(extremly hypotheticlly))
this is a short post


rebecca, my kind, goofy, fruitimavore friend...is "dead"

yeah i get to tell an overly dramatic, completely false, and over the top story!!!!!!!! XP
it all seemed like it was yesterday(which is completely wrong since "this" happened today). me and rebecca were sitting in health working on our stupid project, when suddenly the back half of the portable was torn off. unfortunately both me and rebecca were sitting in the far back with kim and victor(i don't know why i'm dragging them along with this). when we opened our eyes we were in a tornado swirling around.
rebecca:to shocked to speak
kim:"what the 'beep'"
me:contemplating where i've seen something simmilar like this happen "Wizard of Oz!" everyone just glared at me coldly, except victor who kept screaming. suddenly we were split in twos, me with rebecca(who didn't see that coming?) and kim with victor, kim screaming about why she was stuck with him(well victor is victor, so i didn't want to be with him,he creeps me out).
we land on some bright green grass, like we're in some catoon(hint, hint). suddenly we see this white rabbit runnig into a big hole. rebecca starts to chase the rabbit wanting to pet it, and i try to convince her not to follow the white rabbit(cause we all know what happens, except rebecca). rebecca falls in behind the rabbit (rebecca isn't acting like rebecca, wonder why? maybe being in so many tramas n one day is messing with her mind). i go in after rebecca, screaming "stupid! go watch the movie!" suddenly we are just floating down safely, when we see a pink cat with a smile like the moon(i hate this cat). rebecca starts petting the cat, while i stare at them. the chesher cat grined evily and then dissapeared, as we floated in the darkness. "i told ya, to watch the movie," i said." nuh-uh, you said to spare myself," rebecca reminded me. i stuck out my tounge, she was being grumpy for no reasson. we then landed in a place i automatically knew, but knew rebecca would scorn at me for being here. so went walked around looking for a way back home, when zach, thumper kumbquat, showed up. i was completely shocked, cause i knew he wasn't in this series. "what are you doing here?" i asked. but was shut up by rebecca saying," do you know a way home?" but suddenly zach turned into envy!!!!(dramatic music playing in the backgound, so this is the anime versions) "kristin, is this another one of your stupid animes?!?!?!?" rebecca yelled at me. "maaaybe," i answered before runnign away, cause envy's just creepy. rebecca followed me as we were chased by envy. we walked on some alchemy circle that flshed as soon as we were in the middle, taking us to some unknown place. "this is starting to get fun1" i said avoiding rebecca's death glare. and then we were in........well i had no idea and neither did rebecca. "gah we're gonna die!!!!!!" i yelled, cause we were surrounded by frozen milk.(this truely scares me) rebecca just told me to shut up and stop screaming. suddenly we were gone, i sighed with relief while rebecca growled with annoyedness. then...................................... we were in candy mountain!!!!! i rushed in and as the kind person rebecca is, oops sorry, was she rushed in the mountain to save me from the kidney snatchers. (*tear*) but alas the rebecca had her kidney stolen. as her last wish she wanted me to tell you what happened in a long post, how she hates zach, and all her good qualities.bad qualities: bossy, self critical good qualities: shes me bestest buddy so me no care.

truth: rebecca will be deleting her blog, so i will intraduce you to her when she gets one.

i am to shocked at what i got in the mail to "kill" rebecca right now

why? 1. i got mail!!!(unfortunately it is a very rare event) and 2. the mail i got was that i've been choosen to recive an application fot the national miss.america pagent!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I EVER WANT TO ENTER A PAGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a few things i must point out:

  1. how did they get my address
  2. why would they want me to be in some fru-fru pagent(couldn't come up with a word that would fit)
  3. why do have to be choosen to get an application???????
  4. why do they only put one line for favorite book in the application?!?!?!?!!?
  5. why am i considered a jr. teen

these are the questions that haunt me. stupid day ruined my mood. i had a book on hold at the library that should be in, and i have to stay there anyways so i can blog and read. plus rebecca told me to kill her(you'll all get this later).

pagents are stupid!!!! and go against feminest rights!!! ohhh 25 thousand dollars! gah!!! stupid ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



where are you rebecca?!?!?!? mes just wondering, you haven't been at school and all. lets see this weekend my stepmom and other 1/2 sibs are coming down and i'm gonna stay with them in a cabin by the beach. sadly my dad is in turkey, and he said there were no turkies there, which greatly disturbs me.
oh also everybody(senpai,hideki-chan, and agamemnon) says hellos to ashely(csifreak11), shes one of mes manys buddies from school.
oh and rebecca, i'm reading twilight(finally) and they don't even mention vampiers till the hundreth page!!!! and the dudes name is edward(only my manga buddies will get why this is strange)
oh and when i said free manga u don't get what i mean(i can't remeber if i said any of that though) but there would be no currency, no one would get paid, and no one would have to buy things(and yes i already see the million flaws in this plan).
hmmmmmmm.........okays mes done.


my rebellion(aka my election)

i just read how senpai would vote for me!!! i think i should run, except i'd be just like the 3rd parties who never win and have to give up there ideas, which would really make me sick. i hate backing down in some thing i really believe in, but also note all my depressing work.

so insted of running i shall make up my own world.

My makie wade up world:

  1. all books shall be free

  2. no one shall grow old(they'll die when the time comes)

  3. i will give everybody huge concinces(spelling diffuculties) so no one will lie cheat and sceam

  4. rebecca will be my vice(whatever title i choose)

  5. senpai will be after rebecca

  6. and then agamemnom

  7. then hideki

  8. and then the dude who invented spellcheck

  9. the guys who invinted school, home work, work, milk, and all the things shall be put in jail/dungeon

  10. i will not HAVE to do anything

  11. i can do whatever i want

  12. there will be no trade system of anykind and we'll all just learn to share

*at this point in time i heard a car door outside and had to save this and delet all my history of being here. so i must update this*

yesterday i stayed after school with rebecca to paint on desk(yes we had permission). and james crushed my cookie!!!!!! meanie!!!!but in science i had to help rebecca!!! XP haha i am more smart!!!!! then i was gonna go ride with her and go to her guitar lessons, but the school system hates me and wouldn't let me go!!!!!(first thing that crashes when i'm in charge is the school bored). so i had to ride my activity bus, and who was there? james, so he annoyed me the whole ride, well not entiarlly true. we started talking about elections, and aliens and stuff, but he said i read to much manga!!!! which is entaierly(spelling issues) true, but beside any point.

today!!!!! rebecca wasn't here!!!! rebecca where are you!!!!!!!!!!! i was bored in pe, we watched a boring movie!!!!!!! okays mes guess thats it.

(insert title that i can't think of here)

ppls yelled at mes cause i couldn't play volly ball well today(points at rebecca) but my hand felt weird all day, so obviously i have been bitten by some poisonis radio active spider. so i'll either get cool powers(rebecca doesn't believe this one), have my arm paralized(she said she'd laugh), or die. O.O, but i can't die so its not an option.
rebecca asked 3 times if she was going to steal me to her guitar lessons, notice the word steal.
today in mr.d's class(he was from like 2 posts ago) we got in a circle!!! and argued about what to do about burma, course if everyone didn't agree are grades would be affected so everyone just gave in. but i had some great ideas, but no one picked me to speak. i spoke once(thank you syris) and then the only other time i spoke was out of turn. gah no one listens to me!!!!!!!!!!! and mr.d didn't give me anymore time on the rebellion project!!!!and i don't care if he ment it or not!!!!
oh and i got another james story(guy who made rebecca "normal" for 2 seconds). i hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. he stole my manga(he did give them back when he got off, but that's not the point) and 2. he called me short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! so i now also hate him(i had no reason before).
hmmmm, oh i also hate my library hour. i have to stay in one room for 4 whole hours!!!! and ppl bring in heavy books and put holds on books, and turn in alot during my hours!!!!! curse them all(except me)!!!!!!!
oh and i got minutes to midnight(i can't remember if i mentioned this or not) and i'm in love with bleed it out, hands held high, and no, no more sorrow! i think i did say this, but oh well, i've also been hit in the head today.


haha rebecca was an omnivore(for like 2 seconds)

rebecca, welcome to the dark side!!!!!!!! Ex:
James(dude in our science class, who is now hated by rebecca): you want a chip
me: Food!(grabbing chip)
rebecca-no(she's being no fun and is messing with my hair, although i tried to protest)
James(after going to get another chip): want the chip? (rebecca takes chip, probaly just to shut him up. she takes 1 bite)
me: it tastes like fish
James- cause it is! (rebecca gives him the death glare, i take another shrimp chip, and there was some yelling in between then and when we went to some assemply about jessi jackson(who?still don't know him) and when we got back some one kicked him and he cused(i think my back was turned))
otherwise i have no news, my life seems to be getting boringer. i did cut my hair, so now my bangs are back and the tips of my hair are even. but everyone was fusing about how short my hair was. IT WAS ONLY 2'' PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! i don't get the big deal, its still long. whatever.
i think i have nothing left to say. but i will be getting back on for my library hours.


some thing i forgot to write last time that rebecca had told me to write or post or send or something

senpai! rebecca says she loves you! that's what she said, i'm just some one to relay the message.
and i'm still bored, i'm gonna take some more quizzes............................⌐•45

my makie wade up world(no one but rebecca will get this but oh well)

rebecca i'm bored now!!!!!! my moms gone off cause my 4 month sister needs to get her blood checked(i feel so bad for the baby!!) i feel like babbling incesently about nothing. the radio station is mean, they wouldn't answer the phone. and there wasn't even a contest.
Mr.d had told us that we needed to rebel against something for home work, i knew he was joking but it still would have been fun. i took like a million "what would fma charecters think of you" and "fma role playing games". i always ended up with ed o.O, that freaked me out (alot!!!!).
i'd also like to say/type that i am crazier than silvertroll(again only rebecca would get this).
i'm soooooooo bored i can't even come up with something to intertain myself with.
i've also written a story about rebellion, maybe i'll get some credit. it's about 9 hand written pages. i can't tell if that's alot. ???????? i feel in no mood at all. O.o i wanna go run for president! would you vote for me??? even if i would never get to serve as president, till ummm i dunno.
...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................o.......................................................................................................................................l.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................#..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................♀..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................popcorn.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................dot..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................sugar..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................can ...................................................................................................far....................................................................................................................................................................butter...........................................................................................................................................................................................................how many dots? gah it stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess thats enough
i got linkin parks new cd minutes to midnight!!!! XP i love it!!!! i lost track of how many times i've played it. i love bleed it out and hands held high!!!!


Mr.D, my global issues teacher, todays class

mr.d said, "you are awefully random aren't you?"
the whole class responded, "YES!!!!"
i had my chocolate eating this while they said, so of course EVERY one started laughing(me included), then he said, "should you really be having that?" i said "yes!!!" but becca toke my mnms and gave them to roni, but i spoellded it by saying,"well that's not my last bag!" then ppl wanted mr.d to take the rest of my candy. XP. some ppl are mean. but mr.d had been asking questions talking about how we have no REAL freedom, well we don't. but he also said i choose to give him power. well mr.d if you're reading this, cause i will eventually give this address to you, i'ld like to say, i do not WILLINGLY choose to give you power!!!!!!! but i do choose to pass you're class(cause unfortunately if i don't i fail and wouldn't get a good job, life, etc.). so society gives those who succed power. and the power i have, where did i get it from? and i would also like to say before going on, yes the gov. is corupt we do not have real freedom, no one does. ALL THE WORLD (SOCIETY, GOV., POWER, LEADERS, ETC.) IS CORUPT!!!!!! also mr.d if you see all my spelling mistakes and me following none of your essay rules, well its not an essay so i guess there not really important here.
YEAH!!! i'm going to rebecca's house! :P, so that means i'll be a vegitarian for the weekend, but in heart i am still a chocolate-tarian. later i will post my rules of chocolate-tarian-ness. but you know what, i want our school to have a vedio confrence with you guys(senpai,hideki-chan, agamemnom), i think it be fun, except we'd have to talk about an issue and follow mr.d "laws".
hmmmm.............guess i don't have more to write.



who wants some depressing poetry for valentines day!!! (i can't make poetry at ALL so this will fit with all you're complaining):
Falling, Falling
And no one to catch me.
What to do,
On this day.
Everyone else seems happy,
But i continue to fall,
And no one comes to help me.

gah, i will never be able to write happy poems but that's good enough for singles who are dpressed. unlike me, i just use v-day for an excuse to over eat chocolate. who want's to be a chocolate-tarian with me?!?!? rebecca said no! *sad*

hahahaha...i'm back "legally", well not legally casu 1 it was never illegal anyways and 2 i'm not suppose to be on chat stuff, but i'm not grounded an

ymore!!!!!!!!!! gah stupid title got filled up! well anyways happy valintines day! Choclatarians rejoice!!!!! and unite!!!!
choclotarian- pretty simple to get, only eating chocolate or things that are in chocolate!!!!!!!
but we had a 2 hour delay today(for no reason, people are stupid). and then i had to walk to my bus(1 mile!) then ppl told me the bus was frozen or something. so then i had to walk all the way back home!!!!!!!! but today is counted as excused cause its the buses fault.
now i eat chocloate watching the today show(it stinks now without katie, just not the same) and their having something about singles. but i don't care, and my mom didn't let ME go to the store so i could get the RIGHT amount of chocolate, i don't have enough :(!!!!!!! but i'll just continue to stuff my face with chocolate, haha hope my sugar rush last tomorrow! XP
oh and rebecca doesn't want to stalk hideki-chan cause he's got lucky. so she's going to stalk senpai cause he's a vegitarian. and i'll just get all the manga. XP
okay so now rebecca, i'm bored come to my house and skip school, which i'm supposing you're in right now. you can get it in the school directory aka the stalkers guide XP. i'm bored!!!
well happy v-day



me and rebecca are going to become stalkers!!! yay! our first victim(s) will be.... for rebecca-hideki-chan cause he's the depressed and for me senpai cause i could steal all his manga books! Yay!! and i hope rebecca isn't mad at me for putting this "joke" up, oh well i'll just find out tomorrow and if you are mad please do not throw the volly ball at me in pe(and don't use this idea against me). and sorry agamemnon but we don't have a third person to stalk you and sorry i keep misspelling your name(or at least i think i am)

this is just a joke that me and rebecca thought of during science when we weren't paying attention(as allways) this probaly won't happen (or will it) and i also wish i could have gotten the font smaller like on commercials or warnimg labels or important forms.

i'm back!

well okay i haven't gotten over groundage but i shall explane why i'm grounded. so my parents(mom and stepdad) got my report card, which i got hmmm,.......i can't remember. so now i'm grounded because, oh no not my grades, but the fact that i hide it. XP i hate my life, but i'm only gounded tomorrow too so i'll be back for real so.
so how am i on the computer typing this now completely ignoring my conces(which feels like its trying to choke me, that or my shirt), well since i have to do 40 comunity service hours i do it at my library checking in books, so i just sit a computer. its easy and i don't actually have to do that much work:P. and they give me stuff on holidays, which makes me feel guilty cause i don't do anything. so today they gave me candy and i haven't been here sicne january? 1exams 2had to pick up my psats 3visit from my dad and 4sick. so now i feel more guilty. XP!!!! but i got chocolate!!!!!!!
all science class rebecca was talking about how she hates v-day and she doesn't cheer up at the mention of chocolate. :( cheer up rebecca! and i left my notebook with mrs.a so i should be sadder. that thing had everything, homework, stories, fanfic profiles,etc...! but i'll deal
i miss you all! senpai, hideki-chan, agamenom(even though in english we have to defend you and i refuse to defend you, main cause of homer's writtings) ♥'s you all! (gah wait i sound like rebecca now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


i ish grounded!! cant type for 2 more days!! awwww.... so i'm typing in science. i miss you all!!!!!!!!! hope to talk soon.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i hate adult swim!

adult swim frequently changes the shows around,ALOT!!! so now only bleach and deathnote and its not new. THEY TOTALLY CUT OUT MY FMA AND PUT IT ON LATER!!!!!! WHY DO THEY HATE ME??!!??!!

What would you say?

okay, i tried this on my mom but she kind of just ignored me.

what would you say.....
if i said i wanted to be a Physiatrist ?


okay so my glasses are about ummmm.....like 3 years old? i don't know but i can't see with them so i kept my contacts in like (how ever much i decided to stay awake)/7, but i finally got new glasse, hahaha the lens are really thick XP. but now i can see! but everything looks weird. but beacuse i wear my contacts so much i have to wear these for awhile 'cause apparently contacts strain your eyes, but my eyes feel strained with these glasses. i really wonder if doctors know anything.


Gah! Work!

i think i'll be going back to school tomorrow, but that means i'll have make up work! that is the one reason why i resent staying home! and my step-dad(mike) obviously doesn't understand the term of staying home. he made me clean! i understand that hes only staying here cause caitlin(my sister) is sick and he wants to clean. but he can do it on his own!!!!!!!!!! i stayed home for a reason! anyways he and caitlin went to the doctors so i'm alone again. but i will continue to read bleach. yay tomorrows friday! then its saturday- naruto @9-10 bleach @11 new deathnote @11:30 (grr stupid hyperlink) and then FullMetal Alchemist @ 12! XP and yes my life does revlove around my fav. tv shows, and yes most of my life is pathetic, buuuuutt.....i don't care anymore! next i might go and write my fma rant.
if i was in school now i would be in global issues(so glad i missed that). but i've also missed all of spirit week......................ah well i wasn't gonna particpate anyways.


so my morning for the past few days has been me getting up. taking all my medicen(amoxicillian, nasonex, walphed pe(walgrens version of sudaffed pe) and zertec(well i take that before i got to bed so it really doesn't count)). and then i go and make my lunch. then try to sleep on my couch before we have to leave for the bus(this is like at 6) and then my mom sees me and tells me to go back to bed. i haven't been out of my house for 3 days! except when i went to the doctors.
and today my sisters here too and my step dad(he's suppose to watch her but hes asleep).

and i'm bored! i started to play my naruto game(they didn't have fma and i'm not patient enough to wait for one in the mail) but i can't beat itachi. and they gave him bouns attack and defense. and at this point (i'm playing as kakashi) kakashi losses anyways. the game doesn't like me.

some one save me! ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○♀↨▼


Now on with the debate................

This debate is over the pro's and con's of being of veggitarian. On the pro side is Rebecca and Senpai and on the con side is Hideki-chan and Agamenom. I will be the narrator of this event (because i'm udeciceve).
First would either Senpai or Rebecca take the floor with the pro's for being a vegitarian.

(This is off subject but who cares, i'm bored and lonely here!)



ketching up with my lovely life....

or boring life which ever you preffer. after this i will do the veggi rant and then the second place FullMetal Alchemist rant.

football rant(1/23after my health exam)
i have been asked about football!?!?! and not the one across seas(aka the good one, aka soccer), the american one!!(the fact that i can write shocks me!) I HATE FOOTBALL!!!!!(if you haven't caught on to that fact yet) i hate it with every fiber of my being! and i know i got none of the questions on the exam right for that! :( and now my brain is completely fried(at least the school part, but that's allways been a little messed up) i will fail my next english exam! grrrrrrrr, I HATE FOOTBALL!!!!why do teachers wish to torute me?!?!?!?i'm going to fail and have to live on the streetwatching my dreams crash and burn on my cardbored house and it's all because of football(i know i'm exaggerating,........but......i don't care) and i am now all alone with my hatered since rebecca's way in the back :( haha another thing to blame football for no reason what so ever! (for those of you who play footballor actually like the so called sport, well then don't read this paricular post, but read the rest of this blog. or you can comment to yell at me or try to change my mind, but that will never happen cause i'm stubborn and i'll yell at you, or at least write in all caps)

English rant (hmmm, after my english essay 1/23)
so when i got to this classme and ahsely talked about my book. not what it was about but what it smelled like.......
now the exam is over and (wait for it)................I HATE PROMTS AND ESSAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!it's sooooooo boring!why can't it be a GOOD topic!?!?! and i haven't finished either of the books the essay was on! why can't we read a GOOD book!?!?! grrrrrrrrrrrr.......AND NOW ASHELY'S PASSING ME A NOTE SAYING I'M SHORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(if you can't tell i am very annoyed) grrrrr................ i shall start to read my good smelling book.
now we (ashley and me)(fear my awesomeful grammer) want to kidnap a bunch of stars so they'll put on a conncert for us, cause neither of us have the money to get a ticket, but she reminded me i'm still in super dork's prison XP. but now we're talking about getting caught, but i'll never get caught, never have either O.o!

On the bus...(still 1/23)
people are noisy sometimes, but it's relatively quiet on my bus, especially in the morning(but that might be cause the sun isn't up). i'm in a very blogging mode today apparently. cause i don't feel like writtin fiction and i can't blog till i get 100.
so i wish to so over my current song list, cause i have no real buddies on my bus and rebecca is on some other random bus and so are all my other buddies :(
  1. angel-blue october
  2. how far we've come-matchbox 20
  3. long day-matchbox 20
  4. never to late-three days grace
  5. pain-three days grace
  6. unwell-matchbox 20
  7. current naruto theme #6
  8. love son-sarah barellis(rebecca has filled in all the ones i couldn't remember)
  9. i don't wanna be in love-good charolote
  10. into the night-santana
  11. ready steady go(will always be on my list)-(and i can't spell there name and rebecca doesn't know)
  12. absolutely(story of a girl)- nine days(i think this is the right name)
  13. one week- bernecked ladies
  14. hey there diliahla- plain white tees
  15. car crash- mat nathanson
  16. first bleach theme
  17. iris-gogo dolls
  18. smells like teen spirit-nervana
  19. brothers(also always on my list)-Vic

this is in no particullar order,these are just songs i like that popped in my head. people on this bus are now talking about hitting people with the bus,hijacking a krispy kreme truck, and barbie swan lake. people on this bus are strange but....... the strange the better!

20. calling you-blue october

21. bad day- (can't remember his name either)

one of those just played and i just thought of the other one. now they're(other people on the bus) are talking about movie hopping. i wonder is this is considered eaves dropping. i only have one headphone in so i can hear everything pretty much and they talk pretty loud too. it just keeps getting wieder and i can't write it fast enough, but it is funny. i don't wanna have to walk home,a whole mile is to much. but not according to the school systeme. to theme it's a reasonable distance (but they've never met me). (and this is sooo called for) I HATE THE SCHOOL BOARD!!!!, but some people have it worse.

oh i just remebered that last time in pe they chacked my height(despite my refusel). i grew a whole 1/2 inch! ☻

22. jump around

that's an old 90's song but it's still good

23.jerry springer-weird al

weird al is the best! and this song is hilarious! you have to see it with fma! go to youtube and look up fullmetal alchemist meets jerry springer! sure it may be a little inappropiate, but it's hilarious with fma!

on a diffrent note you might have noticed that i am "virtically challenged", but i would prefer if no one would point it out! as alot of people have been doing (points to ashely- if she was here) but i digress.

but you know what if figured out my most horofied/funny death! and i is to be frozen in milk *chill down my spine*. now i have to put away my note book i am writting this draft in and go walk a mile(!) to my house. evil shool board(said under my breath).

Authors rant(6:45 when i started writting this at my house waiting for american idol to come on)

i've been meaning to write this since christopher palonihis official title(hint of what i'm about to get annoyed by) but keep in mind i have total respect for all authors even if i don't like there stuff, they got published. so i shall write this in list form:

  1. brisingar!!!!!!! come on that goes against the theme!!!!!!!!it's suppose to be empire!!!! 6 letters and starting with an e!!!!!!!if he has to use a name from the elf language make up one that starts with e and have 6 letters!!!!!!!
  2. the book isn't coming out till september!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. there are now 4 books instead of 3, cause the last one can't fit in one book
  4. christopher now has -2 points and +1 point a total of -1
  5. the inkwell series has NO info on the release date or final title(it's between inkdawn and inkdeath)
  6. -2 points to ms. funke, no date and title is suposedely inkdawn(i want inkdeath!)
  7. i just finished maximum ride 2 and the preview chapters was from like ch. 40 and they're sayimg its all been fake!!!!!!!!!! but the 3rd isn't in papre back(i hate hardcover it's harder to read)
  8. -2 for patterson *update-they do have paper back but it's ugly and doesn't look like the rest i have*
  9. princess mia just came out
  10. 1 poin for meg(but that better not be the end!)
  11. deathly hallows was the last harry potter and jk is taking a break before making the ensclapedia
  12. jk neturalizes it cause i can't decied if #7 is a bad thing or not
  13. other than harry potter nothing extremely good has come out :(

moment of truth(1/23after american idol)

funny show, but some of the questions are stupid, and they take to long to give the verdict. and it's a total relationship ruiner!(watching people destroy their lives for money! fun fun!) on a diffrent note: why do they always play dumb commercials? seriously, one just said sainity is back, or something like that. SAINITY WILL NEVER BE GOOD!!! and stupid people rule the world!so who could be sane? i think i might be good at this show cause:

  1. i always tell the truth any ways
  2. i have no relation ship to ruin
  3. i haven't lived long enough to have that many secrets

but they may not let people my age enter, because of the reasons above.

study block 1/24

i had to come to study block, during exams you can skip it but i didn't have a way to get here for my next exam. i have no really buddies at lunch so i'm all alone!!! and in the gym! so i have to stay here for.....7:25-9:20, i'm too lazy to count how many hours that is. okay, so things i should be doing right now:

  1. study for my history exam next
  2. work on a number of my fanfics
  3. work on my writers block
  4. find a way to get to the library and read manga online
  5. make more poetry entries then type themcause it's due the second!
  6. studying for my last 2 exams tomorrow
  8. GETTING CHIK-FIL-A FOR BRECKFAST(no offence to the veggitarians)
  10. and working on the book list rebecca gave me

i think 7,8,& 9 are the most important(again no offince to the veggitarians). and there is nothing to do! i'm bored!!! things i can do here- 1.think of a way to get revenge on ashely for calling me an ompalompa and a smurf!!! before she a way to freeze me in milk! and 2.umm can't think of anything else

* i am spearing you people from reading this out of the kindness of my heart. aka i'm too lazy to type up all i wrote-4 other pages*

History exam(still 1/24)

the halls were really crwoded getting here and it took me like 4 min.s just getting out of the gym.

180!180! 180 questions and an exam!

*okay i quit! there are like 10 more pages here so i'll just write the latest few. sorry to history for cutting it off,and to the bus, and are you smater than a 5th grader, and math, and my smapression, and the bus again, and history exam. so now i shall continue with healt, this contains most of what has just happened*

Health 2/1

MY HEAD ACHES!!!!!!!!!!and my mouths dry! and flem is going down my throat! but i am NOT sick! the sudaffed is finally working and has cleared my nose and sore throught. and health is not helping my head. and not paying attention is not helping my grade!and report cards come out today XP!!! but the planner says next week :P ! so i should have one week of sanctuary!! note to self- never drink or take drugs(other than medicine) CAUSE I DEFINETLY DIDN'T KNOW THAT BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!! owwwwww head!!!!!!! I MEAN IT'S LIKE THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID!!!!! all these caps and ! are not helping my head! my way of think: alcohol=bars=football=EVIL! i feel as if i must repeat this- I AM NOT SICK!!!! yeah suddafead is working and my headache is downish. question: why do they tell us how to smoke? wouldn't they rather keep us ignorant? gov. things confuse me and everything is curropt.

health is almost over! yay! then english.---- then spanish 2! boo! then global issues. ----- then a long bus drive.---- then walking a mile! boo!

gah!!!!!!!!!!!!! report cards!!!!i don't want it, i don't want it!!!!!! Senpai, Hideki-chan, Agamenom, Rbecca, Amanda!!!!!!! some one kill me!!!!!!! (rebecca's comment when she read this: with pleasure!how would you like to do it? I'll join you.freezing to death sound goo? less painful.) as to that i say............................................it fits almost.

*i'm too lazy to add the rest but here are my grades 3 c's, 3 b's and 1a. and i failed 2 of my exams. i would also like to thank you all for cheering me up and senpai for trying to help me hide. but my family is all sick(except me although i'm the only one who has stayed home) so i think my mom has forgotten*