well okay i haven't gotten over groundage but i shall explane why i'm grounded. so my parents(mom and stepdad) got my report card, which i got hmmm,.......i can't remember. so now i'm grounded because, oh no not my grades, but the fact that i hide it. XP i hate my life, but i'm only gounded tomorrow too so i'll be back for real so.
so how am i on the computer typing this now completely ignoring my conces(which feels like its trying to choke me, that or my shirt), well since i have to do 40 comunity service hours i do it at my library checking in books, so i just sit a computer. its easy and i don't actually have to do that much work:P. and they give me stuff on holidays, which makes me feel guilty cause i don't do anything. so today they gave me candy and i haven't been here sicne january? 1exams 2had to pick up my psats 3visit from my dad and 4sick. so now i feel more guilty. XP!!!! but i got chocolate!!!!!!!
all science class rebecca was talking about how she hates v-day and she doesn't cheer up at the mention of chocolate. :( cheer up rebecca! and i left my notebook with mrs.a so i should be sadder. that thing had everything, homework, stories, fanfic profiles,etc...! but i'll deal
i miss you all! senpai, hideki-chan, agamenom(even though in english we have to defend you and i refuse to defend you, main cause of homer's writtings) ♥'s you all! (gah wait i sound like rebecca now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
XD I remember teh report card now!
You wanted to know if you could hide at my place, and I said only if you could get up here by yourself cuz I cant drive...
XD oops, I feel like this is sorta my fault...
sorry rebecca but i'm telliing.
Alt + 3 = ♥
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