Right so school started Tuesday. My first class is AP Gov, with THE teacher to have in our school. He is SO energetic, it brightens my morning. The first class he jumped up on the desk like three times, you can't NOT smile in that class. So despite the fact that I'm not big on government and all that jazz, I'm still psyched to be in the class.
After Gov, I have AP English, which is alright, most of the people I know I'm not really close to and the others I know are the goofy popular kids that joke around, which is ok, i know that there not limited to that, its just I don't know them all that well. But the teacher is pretty chill.
Then it's Latin, and it's not the same monty python loving rambly teacher I had last year, its some strict old lady that has killed my love of Latin. Though she is a writer, so it might work out in the end, but already two classes of homework I'm not to sure about that.
And the last class of my a-days, is journalism. And I LOVE it!!! The teacher is amazing and flexable and all and seemed to understand what I was talking about when I said I liked Monty Python for the ice breaker thing we did. The girl I sit next to is pretty cool too. Plus I think I already got a story I could write about, but I'll talk about it when I get to my bus ride.
Anyways the next day are b-days, and my first class of this set is AP Psych, and this is yet another class that the teacher is so amazing and wonderful that my mornings will never be dull. He's talkative and brings everybody into his analysises and stuff like that, plus the fist day he put on some random 60s music to lighten up the mood. In addition to his just amazing-ness, some people apparently turned in their notes but they got lost, and he asked me, since my notes were just SO good, if he could give a copy to those students, well of course I said yes, I mean, flattery will get you almost anywhere
So after that is Astronomy, and my teacher is a big Star Wars geek, which suits me just fine. Plus he seems really open to all the ideas and conspiracies out there, like aliens, not really certain of it but not completely against it either, just like me. Plus who doesnt like looking at pretty stars XP
And after that is Math Analysis...with the well known demon teacher of my school. I had her before and survived, so I just gotta do the same this year. Luckily one of my good friends sits pretty close to me and is hlepless in math so that I go and help her. So I think I might survive this
Last but not leats is my Global Connections class, the only purpose being the project that will let me graduate from the academy, that has to have some globl connection and all that jazz. The bright side is that everyone in this class has been together since freshman year as the group within the school thats in the academy. Plus the teachers alright, very sarcastic, we all had him freshman year so we sorta know each other, he's the one that made us play this silly game where there was an attempted assasination on me, and when that didn't work I got married off.
Overall I think this years gonna be great, there are only two class I don't get a real good vibe about, and they aren't on the same day, so it should be good.
On to my after school bus ride, over an hour of us just talking loudly. We just talk about whatevers on our minds, and one time we ended up having this long and deep conversation about the ethnic sheet we had to fill out and why it mattered and the point of hispanics having their own box. This inspired me to start and article about it and the perspectives of the students and the purpose of the department heads. But otherwise we just talk about random stuff on the bus, its fun though, minus walking home