
MY first post of the year!

okay it's 2008..........................................................now what?
i think i will actually only got 1 out of 3 of my revolutions last year(i put it in a bottle then got it out this year). 1 was to find out how to spell supercalifragulisticaspialidosus (i'm not sure if i got that one) 2 was to finish one of my books(like that's gonna happen- it will eventually...maybe) and 3 was to pass school(yeah i got this on!)
this year there's a bit more
  1. pass spanish 2 (& english)
  2. take japanesse
  3. take creative jernolisum
  4. work on my spelling(hmm maybe i should be more realistic with this one)
  5. write more on my book with angel, sora, and nozomi
  6. finish my book list (its about 2 pages so add ons don't count)
  7. entery the poetry contest (and if i win i get $500!)
  8. and last but not least (cause i might actually have to do this) GET A JOB!(preferable at barns & noble or chikfila(sorry to all the veggitarians out there, the chili they put on the chiken is so good)(and i am NOT talking about the meat) (and i know rebecca is going to gilt trip me about it when she sees this)


Isaac said...

konichiwa ojousama,

u want to learn Japanese? Kawaiiiiiii!!!

¿puede usted leer esto? No es japonés...

Kem said...

yes i do want to learn japanese. but y you talking spainish too? and its not right. puede usted leer- you can read. but what is esto?

Kem said...

wait not 'you can' 'can you'