my lil sis(the one who just had surgery) is going to a b-day party satuday there. and im gonna go too!!!!! i wanna play ski ball and get some free cake!!!!
my sister(same one) is asking me how to spell things!!!!!!!!!! haha she is such a fool!!!!!!!!
and my mom was bugging me about how i dont call or go over to ppls houses and ill just email ppl. well im not such of a phone person and as for the other one it doesnt matter.
hmmmmmmmmm................what to type?????????
"Breaking out of super dork's prison(finally)"
super dog and super dork were asleep so i called gazzy and iggy and they blew the place up setting me free. i gave up on trying to draw the right alchemy circle cause it was too much effort.
i wanna go swiming soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hyper much...? and u come over to my house!! altho i agree with ur mom, u dont come over enough...*kidnaps u and puts u in MY prison >:D* we serve 3 vegetarian meals a day ^_^
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