
has anyone listened to the songs?

if you havent you should, i didnt have any trapt cds so i couldnt put any of those on, same for jimmy eat world. but whatever, lets see im gonna die tomorrw cause of make up work. pray for my already broken soul.
also!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone had better had been wearing virginia tech colors, shame on those(REBECCA!!!) who didn't. but for those of you who are blissfully unaware, you remember the shooting there, well it was all over the news last year so you should know. but its the year anniversery so we should have a moment of scilence for them......wait hands held high(cant be silent for this song)!!!! anyways, we wish the familys and freinds hurt by that maniac with a gun who was upset about something with his gf, rest and peace and for those who are living give them a peace of mind and the will to be stroung.

thats enough sentements for me. whatever, adios!!!


Isaac said...

yitgadal vyitkadash sh'mey rabah, b'alma divurach chirutei veamlich malchutei, behayeihon, uveyo-meihon, uvchaiyei decholbeit yisrael, Baagala, Baagala, Uvizmaan Kaariv, V'imru, Amen.

Kem said...

and that means?