

blargh! i have to go to some academic thing tonight at school, but i live no where near school. :( but they will feed me so i will go. we went outsid ein the cold to run 1 1/2 laps, but it was cold, then i think my asthma acted up, or my cold/allergies. then i went to english the 8th layer, mr.d's class is the 9th(i am refering to dante's inferno, which we are reading in class) also, we were talking about the symbols in the inferno, and james was being semi-deep, O.o big confusion, and i just said nothing cause i had a head ache and i can't say h-e-double hockey sticks cause i don't cuse and i didn't want to sound stupid. XP

and now i shall put up a whatzit?!?!? the things that are on the back of the science thing, i feel bad for my teacher cause i'll grab the magazine just for the whatzit. name the whatzit?!?! below!!!!