my brain has been kidnapped by a new manga series!!!!!! XP its called doubt and its about this game called rabbit doubt based off an old story or something, so the story goes along about a pack/group of rabbits, but one of the rabbits is a wolf in desgiuse and the wolf continues to eat off the rabbits one by one, so if the rabbits acuse the right rabbit they win, but if not they lose aka get eaten up. so the main characters who had played the game with each other online decided to met up. but one of them didn't show. all of them end up waking up in a strange warehouse or something, even the main dudes friend who had tagged along, all except one who was hung on the wall in the next room. all the charecters have barcodes on there body except one. so now they are pinned against each other trying to find out who the wolf is and if its one of them or not. but this game is not without sacrafices and this story is going almost going exactlly like the original one with the rabbits, but will some one be able to stop it??!?!?!?!
and of course the updates go all the way to the climax leaving me alone in my suspinsion!!!!!!!!!!!!! *spaz!!!!!!*
wow. that sounds...interesting. and...wierd...omg i commented!!!
noooooo....... read the other one
the vaca one? um ok?
XD I picked that up as a manga about ribbits, and then I was like "what? oh RABBITS...woah"
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