

yeah its my birth day! but first i must mock the olympics, the opening ceremony looked like they were all clones!!!! XD i opened my new cell!!!!! happy happy joy joy, its a blue super slice or whatever, but its blue!!! XP now i am the only person in my family with a camera phone. i'll be having my party thursday, which shall be pizza, trip to coldstone, then to block buster and/or redbox for a movie marathon. but today ive already burnt myself dropping the easymac that i was making :( now i cant get the battery out of my phone so i can switch my account. which brings me to a text i got that say "bato you still in town?" i have never been called bato O.o wierd. my step dad thinks im unpatriotic, but he says that the government is curropt(which is why he won't vote) . blargh, i could write more but im too lazy


Isaac said...

A corrupt government wouldnt end a corrupt war.

Kate said...

The opening ceremony for the Olympics was totally overdone.

It would be better if they just said, "Allright, the Olympics have started. Whoop-dee-doo, huzzah."

All of the dances and performances were cool, but a little tedious after you've watched 7 of them.

Anonymous said...

yet does anyone comment like this...? to actually say to you what i am about to say because that was the meaning of the post? no. that is y u cannot live without me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTIN!!!! im so sorry i couldnt be there for it but i have a camp-made gift for u!!!! <3!!

Kem said...

good point senpai and yeah rebecca we have to meet up before school starts!!!

Kem said...

good point senpai and yeah rebecca we have to meet up before school starts!!!