
what a lovely morning

so yeah i had left my alarm on for 5:30 tho my mom was driving me today so i could get up at 6 so i 'tried' to get out of my bed at around 5:40 and tripped on my geometry text book and now my toes purpley. later this morning i was kindly fixing my sister lunch and she was trying to put a soda in the luch box, hello wheres the common sense!!!! so she ends up hitting me in the back and threw a shoe at me that hit my head TT.TT other wise my day went fine. my mom said i was gonna get something out of the money my great aunt pie gave us in her will, other than being able to steal the car we're getting. she said a laptop was too expinsive so im getting an ipod nano, but im not getting it till christmas, which is unfair cause id sooooo love to have that thing with me when i go to austrilia, im soooo glad they speak english other wise id be dead.

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