
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)-Death Cab For Cutie

so i got back in town at like 9:40 something, the train was suppoase to come in at 9:10 so I was tiered despite the fact that all i did on the plane was read breking dawn...and finished it. i didn't think it was that bad.

my step mom didn't make thanksgiving diner and the stuffing was bad so i only had one plate for thanksgiving. the next day we went to most of the monument in dc, saw abe and the like in the freezing cold with a bunch of kids...fun right?

i found that whenever any of the kids touched me i started to cringe away...thats how annoyed i was with them.
katie, 8 or 9, was the worst cause shes wayyyyyyyy to clingy. then there was her twin teddy who was cool till she just over-did it. scotty,7, couldn't take a joke and the little one was okay-ish. and my cousins were there the little one was never around it seemed and the other one was tristin...so whenever i heard his name i instantly reacted but otherwise he was pretty cool till he went over bored with the disney...and i got chastised by these kids whenever i said oh my god...god rest my soul.

it wasn't all bad, we played this game called outburst which was basicly family fued but rather than the top answers it was just random answers, but the directions were funny.

i rode the train home!!! not that great cause there was no one to talk to...i seemed to be surrounded by mostly old ppl...



BTPT was an entity.

And one day when he was bored he decided to make the sun!!!!

Deciding that that wasn't enough he made Mercury...that was a dud.

Next he made Venus...major dud with the atmosphere and green house.

Then he made Earth...and the oceans were filled with his tears. For as soon as these things that called themselves humans arrived the Earth was...another dud.

So he continued on till Pluto and decided to start on a new thing all together, hence making another solar system!!!

After that solar system filled he made another and another till he filled this galaxy. Then he made a new galaxy.

He never got it right.

So he went back to check on the humans and started laughing, causing the contenents to split...another proof of a dud.

As the humans began to grow some brains he decided to make some extra stars and sure enough the humans were distracted by the shiny thing...double proof of our dud-ness.

Now we remain distracted and BTPT is just coming up with other ways of distracting us...his dud.

yeah that wasn't that funny, but whatever....spaz.

I have a confession to make...

the truth is that I... eh nah, that's enough, I feel so much better now getting that off my chest, yes the purpose was to not really say anything.

anyways I finally got breaking dawn from somebody!!! XP

I'm gonna be stolen by my dad for thanks giving and being returned saturday on a train, cause they aren't returning me in person...but i get to ride a train so i'm fine, for now cause i will be surrounded by like five little kids who are going to smother me...T.T

youtubes screens are weird now

so ummm my next post will be a total goof off like i originally planned. it shall be a story somewhat like me and super dork, if you remember him...though its been a long time and i don't even remember if i ever escaped prison.


Let's jus call this a sugar rush...

So I tried to only do homework tonigh, obviusly that didn't happen. I had some white chocolate and music and a recap of the renissance, which I didn't understand why it was nessicary. They, aka teachers, think that if we learned it in a diffrent class we already forgot it or never learned it or wasn't sufficent enough. But there was one thing I enjoyed, there was a part of human corruption and the three forms of corruption were education, government, and something else I have forgotten. So I actually wrote a post on my worpress blog, a miricle I know. So I am somewhat hyper, and talking/mumbling to myself about moving into the renissance just so I can be a philosopher and have it be an actual job.

"I'm telling you I can read minds and you're worried that you're weird?"

so tuesday...yeah i haven't posted in awhile so i'll just go over my whole week. anyways... XP tuesday i went to see hamelet, twas awesome the guy who played hamelet was good, and good looking but i digress, and they would randomly be in the middle of the audience and you'ld get whiplash trying to figure out where they were but over all i loved it!!! hamelet was awesome and he is now my rolemodle cause he was perfectly sane while he was mad O.o and he had his boot on his hand XP

ummmmm.....complete bored the rest of the week, turned in my script for creative writing which i will eventually post.

i'm talking to my mom and if i were born a boy my name would have been sean patrick....random fact

so back to my week yesterday me and rebecc saw twilight...hahahahaha, twas a comedy!
for those who wish to see it and haven't yet i shall keep quiet, but i must say one thing..
that does make sense.


pale enough to be in twilight

so i went to the docrot thursday and she said i was getting ANOTHER ear infection, yeah the thing that little kids get and then grow out of it, so yeah i didn't grow out of it so they tested me for strep and that came back negative but they gave me the medicine since its the same for the infection and blah blah blah....

i just got of the phone with my dad and hes kidnapping me for thanksgiving. i managed to bring up to fact that i wanted to watch more monty python and he was like 'oh, did u get to go see that?' i was infureated and completely incamable of showing it, cause he was insaudi arabia and me being me and totally clueless didn't know and was angry at him for not even saying anything about python....me be a horrible person...TT.TT

smapression takes its heavy toll

ummmm........ i've barely eaten in the past few days, just haven't been hungry except for normal stuff like chex mix.

absolutely love all american rejects new song

ummmm i'm actually devouring a book, which has been a long time since all the books i've gotten haven't been so good but this is actually worth me droping my school work for. tis a series called wicked and the first two books are witch and curse which are the ones i bought.

tonights the last showing of spamalot.....T.T

really i need to work on my math before i get behind.........can't bring my self to do it.

yesterday i loomed around the house, i eventually watched holy grail with soem of the extras like 'for the ppl who don't like the movie subtitles from henry 8' didn't make me feel all happy and what not but still holy grail is always worth watching.

have i mention the last showing of spamalot is tonight.....TT.TT


stayed home sick again

god, will i ever spen a whole week at school?
well whatever my throat hurts like h e double hockey sticks and i had two languages today so huh yeah right if i could get out of school i was gonna and look i did XP but i miss classes, or at least the ppl in them. i now refuse to talk cause of my voice and am really sick and tiered of the whole get sick and stay home bit that my body just seems to feel the need to repeat over and over again.
soooooooooooooo............................. blargh
oh my class is going to hamlet tuesday i've just gotta turn in 11 bucks and tuesday TAI and we the kings and hey monday and carolina liar are coming and yeah i've been over this like a million times and i sooooooooo wanna go but i know it's hopeless, same with monty python cause one i dont have any monay and two my dad hasn't called me back about going with me either so another hopeless thing to think about.
and now i must do all my home work cause i need to go to school tomorrow for the hamlete thing and so that i can get major sympathy.


I will you be my vampire and motivation?

so apparently I am worse than bella in my tripping and falling and such because at least bella had a vampirer to protect her...so yeah apparently i need a vampirier to protect me so i set off asking people if they would randomly protect me and turn into a vampy but then i got into the problem of who to pick and who would get obsorbed in the power and such...so yeah I've got no vampy.
also I am gathering crazy and erica(both dudes i know from a friend, and yes there is a reason why one of them is called erica first it was just to tease him but this halloween he dressed as a girl so yeah)so anyways we are going to copy the Inside Man movie and robb a bank like they did, cause we can XP
and now for the hole motivation thing, i have come to realize that i am not motivated in the least and take nothing serious at all. so where i am at now is my lowest instinct and that if i actually tried, which i never thought to do, i could be some prodgy or something. so yeah i need to find my motivation along with my vampy XP

so today in history we went to china and coming back our plane crashed in the pacific ocean and only all 15 or so people in our class surived and landed on some unknown island. so of course our teacher drowned and we all had to start life on the island, get jobs, appoint some sort of leader, and start some format of rules. so yeah i was more like an advisor to the leader, who was megan cause she just i the type.

eh me all done


philosophy-if i get no comments to this i swear...

yep tis the long awaited post on my philosophy that i said i was going to make, eventually. and i FINALLY have some actual down time. so yeah gotta take care of something first before this rant:
alright so small children who can't comprehend the simplest of things like ethic should just stop reading now or i will cause your head to explode. also people who are likely to argue with every little thing should embrace for impact cause i will type you out, XP note that i don't mind comments and such and the oh well that doesn't make sence due to such and such but if you just flat out say that my philosophy is wrong you will be destroyed, through a comment. note i do take this semi seriously, which is the most i've actually taken anything seriously. and also note that i've been reading ayn rand over and over again and though i do not believe in everything she has stated through her novel she has made an influence.
so yeah her it goes...be warned...

so yeah before i really say anything of importance take one note of how i define philosophy. it is a word with verious deffinition and can be taken multipule ways if chossen. so first let me state how i chosse to define it. philosophy is a way of thinking and living your life, point blank, yes i could go way deeper into that and those few words are just the surface point but if you go to deep into the meaning of one thing we will get lost for each thing, word or statement, has as much meaning as the oceans, if you submerse in it you could get lost and unfocused and since this post isn't just about philosophy's deffinition i cannot go any deeper than the surface, that and sometime the surface is as much as the depths within.
so now that the deffinition of philosophy is determined you must know the feelings of philosophy. some refuse philosophy thinking that it is more of a religion than a thought processes, this mainly came from kids being taught philosophy through religion. yes philosophy contains religion but it is not contained by religion, as if saying that to use the internet you have to have a certain email account. note this is the best way i feel that this concept can be described though it is not as clear, but the concept itself isn't clear. so people are forced to a religion through parents, and feel as if they cannot stay loyal to their religion if they explore philosophy, this also in part has to do with how most chinese philosophies are also religions. so to most people philosophy is some sort of blaphamy when it is only the thing that contains religon.
if we understand the animosity some people feel to philosophy we can understand why philosophy is some what of a rare subject, for people would rather offend some one in politics rather than religion. some people think that their religion is their philosophy, not the other way around. for example if a catholic is loyal to their religon yet believs there money is better spent going to diffrent organizations rather than going to their church they are neither being disloyal or sinful, for if it is their philosophy that what ever organization the money goes to needs it more it does not hurt their religious asspects at all, even if they give no money there would be a reason behind it therfor a philosophy or principle behind it.
now that philosphy and its concepts of religion are clearedi shall dive into another part of philosophy. values and ethics. though most base their values and ethics by what is good fo the society or for their religon values and ethics should be based on what is good for ones self. for though this may seem to be egotistic and greedy it would cause no greater harm, unless we lose all sense of pity. for some people still give so they feel as if they are helping and if they didn't feel as if they were helping would they even bother helpng at all. ethics and values if based on the individual would be on the selfish acts of the indivdual. and since all humans are made of the seven deadly sins greed is always going to be a concept. for even the kindest person wants to give. if we base our ethics and values on the society it will only be the society that lives rather than the indiduals holding up the society, same for the religon. if we no longer question our values then we are only holding up something other than us and are not helping ouselves.

and now i am being butted off the computer so i can't write anymore. that and my hands are starting to get really tiered and i have succesfully accomplished nothing more than debasing philosophy itself rather than going into my own reasons for my thinking. sorry XP

paper chase

so yeah i shall tell of my halloween. i draged ashley out her, and guilted her while she trick or treated. but the big event, and its sad that this is the only thing i look forward to during halloween but anyways, is the haunted house thats down the street, this year was funny XP yeah i was pretty rude and laughed through it but yeah they had one of those grim reaper things and called him the butcher so being me i said " hi mr. butcher" and it actually lifted its head XP twas funny i i feel very rude, we almost considered going back and acting scared this time but we needed an excuse and my sister chickened out of it so we didnt go back