
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)-Death Cab For Cutie

so i got back in town at like 9:40 something, the train was suppoase to come in at 9:10 so I was tiered despite the fact that all i did on the plane was read breking dawn...and finished it. i didn't think it was that bad.

my step mom didn't make thanksgiving diner and the stuffing was bad so i only had one plate for thanksgiving. the next day we went to most of the monument in dc, saw abe and the like in the freezing cold with a bunch of kids...fun right?

i found that whenever any of the kids touched me i started to cringe away...thats how annoyed i was with them.
katie, 8 or 9, was the worst cause shes wayyyyyyyy to clingy. then there was her twin teddy who was cool till she just over-did it. scotty,7, couldn't take a joke and the little one was okay-ish. and my cousins were there the little one was never around it seemed and the other one was tristin...so whenever i heard his name i instantly reacted but otherwise he was pretty cool till he went over bored with the disney...and i got chastised by these kids whenever i said oh my god...god rest my soul.

it wasn't all bad, we played this game called outburst which was basicly family fued but rather than the top answers it was just random answers, but the directions were funny.

i rode the train home!!! not that great cause there was no one to talk to...i seemed to be surrounded by mostly old ppl...


Agamemnon said...

i can't sleep in cars....
this post brought that thought up so i thought i'd comment it

Isaac said...

XD Old people on trains make good conversation partners...

Kem said...

not from my position

Agamemnon said...

why would old people make good conversation partners?? EVER

Anonymous said...




says the word verification thing....ITS GENIUS!

yes im sane....y would you htink otherwise...?!

*edges away with wide eyes...*
