
ummm new post?

how do you have a state wide test for japanese? for any language that is....it just doesn't comprehind, and we have to talk into those stupid microphones, all at the same time, and for three minutes.......we only learned how to say colors last week..........

the grammer/punctuation thing obviously isn't working.

umm last saturday was ring dance, and due to the fact that thomas made it fun to refuse dancing I only danced to the chacha slide and the slow songs, my feet were killing me. and my mom has put up pictures on her facebook....

ummm in english we finally finished lord of the flies, that i read (okay listened to) after we finished. now we're starting on all quiet on the western front, and for some reason i keep wanting to say easteren, for god knows what reason. oh and we made a wikispace, the most frutrating project ever. but we got it done-ish

next, cause now i'm just gonna recape my class life for each class, pe. ummmmmm i'm no better at volleyball, I wish we could have picked our own team, it would have been very humorous(sp?)
in health we watched finding nemo to dfine the stress each of the carachters are feeling, and i'm just wondering if the class can get anymore pathetic, i spent the whole movie writing mini/side-stories on pices of papers folded in forths, so like four per paper caus ehte other side has class junk on it

cultures...... i hate this class we do so many pointless projects and have to do these stupid journal entries, plus i have a c because i never turned in an essay, and was gonna turn it in yesterday but was running late and didn't have time. but i did have like the highest grade for our asia test. yay! i know asia

history, probaly the best class. the teachers so cool, plus she was around in nom, yet you really don't get the impression that she's old. plus some one brought in cookies for her b-day last class and i took around 6, i only had a bag of chips for lunch so i was hungry, no guilt here.

ummmm japanese, the first section covered that sooo....

math, the teacher, who rebecc had half of last year, is insane, boring, and overly dull. she goes over one question and i write an award winning novel, pardon my dramatization.

spanish.....i think i might get a b this quarter, cross my fingers, but the teachers ultimately cool and lets us get distracted by youtube and spanish soccer, totally cool by me. and last class we watched part of yes man.

ummmmm science, the teacher that lives down the street from me in my old house. nothing in class is worth talking about, but i do hope she asks for me to babysit, i need some cash

yesterday we had our pep ralley, rigd so the seniors win, as always, but still hilarious with the gobbs in our school, some i actually know. getting out of class was good too. oh and rebecc will get this more than any one but i'll still explain who is now running for class prezz.
so there's this one guy that simply disagrees, just cause he can, hes hilarious, and all and all politacly wrong, tho that doesn't stop him. last pep ralley he stole the spirit stick, recognizing its rigd-ness. so now he's running for prez, rebecc if u remember brian. soooo yeah considering we'd have ring dance i'm not sure i should vote for him, though it'd be extremely amussing.....

for spring break, later in the week i'm going up to dc to see all the smithoneans, just cause i think i've only been to one, and thats not enough........

i don't really have that much else to say, other than me being oppsesed with skip beat...

or i could talk about stories i'm working on but me be lazy.....

hasta lavista

so how are all me bloggy buddies doing then? I can't read joes blog, the color is too much

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


as soon as u said stole the spirit stick i knew!!

oh god im gonna have nightmares tonigggghhhttt!!