
bat mitzvah with phsyco junior maggie, soon to be hyper senior maggie

so the bat mitzvah was fun, the after party was funner, despite the bug bites. there was some guy to guy kissing and other stuff. very odd......but all 'n' all fun

so i'm going to try to limit my use of 'like' and 'what not' from my vocab, which is hard cause i have to pay attention to what i'm saying and not just thinking of the point.

ummmm got exams all this week. 2 down, 3 more to go. i'm staying after tomorrow so my teacher can haul me and ashley up in the book room again, which is now my fav place in the school, it smells more like books than the library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

krissy! im seriously crushing on Charlie!!! hes an awesome, funny, laid back nature lover!!!!!!

help! :D