
yeah this is post 200!!!!

eh, school is becoming more familiar than my house

so far i've got $21.30 for unicef for key club

i'm almost broke cause of unicef and all my dues for clubs and club t-shirts.

i've got two dollars in change

i went to a sophmores party last sunday, it was fun, though i didn't know too many people there

i got eiffel 65 europop cd, its awesome as expected

italian club is fun, gets you to learn without having to raise hands

tomorrow starts our homecoming week, and i wont be able to wear my hosue shirt so i can have school spirit

my junior marshall thing last week was cool, we skipped class and held doors for people, i eventually started saying stuff in random languages, most ignored me, i got 2 whats? 1 how did you say that and 1 response in correct language, it was kind of a dissapointment

i didnt get to go to a concert i was promised for my birthday

i've got to write 8 articles a week in one of my classes, though i know its not gonna get done

our football game was on tv, we scored once, our team is pathetic, and we're going against rebecc's school for homecoming, aka we aren't gonna win

ummm......yeah thats it i guess

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