So I just realized I totally forgot to rant on Avatar the Last Airbender. Went to see it Sunday with Mike and Caitlin.
Anyways the first thing that bugged me was how the chick that played Katara kept pronouncing Avatarwrong. I mean it was a cartoon for crying out lound, everything was already pronounced for you, not like there was any question on how to say it. She pronounced Aang wrong too. Plus the story line was chopy, like they tried to pick the most important eps but it still didn't really go along together. And they left out the Kiyoshi Warriors, you think that would have been more important than when Aang gets caught in the bender prison in some random Earth Nation. The whole movie was just off, I probably won't end up going to the next ones.
Other than my discontent with Avatar, I finally finished all my stuff for The Stranger and now have to work on One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest. My one true wish right now is being able to finish all this AP work before its due. Way too much work for my summer.
I never go to see things in theaters? So in the end I'll probably pirate it and then I can't complain about how much it stinks...
nice. i love seeing movies right when they come out, to impatient to wait and pirating is illegal
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