
Hi! Sorry I've Been Gone So Long, But You Know What They Say...That's Life

Yeah so, I don't really know. Life's been life, what else can I say?

Schools going just as slow as I expected, I mean it is senior year, so I figured it'd go by as slow as possible. There's not much to really talk about, I'm the person that just listens to the gossip on the sidelines, and if it's about some one I know I go to them, but it's never about me. So I don't really have any drama to talk about.

Ummmm, uhhhh, I got accepted for my senior project, I don't remember if I've gone all out to explain it or not but the basic thing is I'm gonna write a fictional book on what the Water Wars are gonne be like, so now the thing to do is actually start working on it. However it just seems like I'm either doing homework, staying after school for some activity or another, or sleeping. So I figure I'll work on it a whole lot more during break.

Ummmmmm, for Halloween I went to visit my dad in Kentucky. They had a little Halloween party, age ranges 30 and up or 10 and under, so I didn't really fit in. I just sat by the fireplace reading Wuthering Heights, which I left there, and got told I looked like a statue a couple of times, once they thought I was Mary, go figure?

So when I was in Kentuck I had KFC and in Philly I got a cheese stake, officializing my goobness.

My senior quote is: Life is full of can'ts: Can't wait to get here, can't believe you're here, and can't wait to move on.

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