
haha rebecca was an omnivore(for like 2 seconds)

rebecca, welcome to the dark side!!!!!!!! Ex:
James(dude in our science class, who is now hated by rebecca): you want a chip
me: Food!(grabbing chip)
rebecca-no(she's being no fun and is messing with my hair, although i tried to protest)
James(after going to get another chip): want the chip? (rebecca takes chip, probaly just to shut him up. she takes 1 bite)
me: it tastes like fish
James- cause it is! (rebecca gives him the death glare, i take another shrimp chip, and there was some yelling in between then and when we went to some assemply about jessi jackson(who?still don't know him) and when we got back some one kicked him and he cused(i think my back was turned))
otherwise i have no news, my life seems to be getting boringer. i did cut my hair, so now my bangs are back and the tips of my hair are even. but everyone was fusing about how short my hair was. IT WAS ONLY 2'' PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! i don't get the big deal, its still long. whatever.
i think i have nothing left to say. but i will be getting back on for my library hours.


Isaac said...

>.< eeeevillllll

FrankTheCat said...

I took two inches off my hair and no one noticed...


Rebecca said...

:O >< it wasnt my fault!!! *kills james...* and it was more than 2 inches... -.-

Kem said...

it was 2 inches get over it!!!!1(why you have i problem i still don't know)