rebecca you did not ride my bus on the last day before spring break, so curse you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i dont have to wear anymore dresses any more!!!!!! yay, uber joy!!!!!
breif veiw of my dc trip:
well we went through a boring basic tour of the white house, and it looked smaller in the inside. and i could not do anything since we werent the only ppl there and i didnt find any big red buttons i could push(this shall be my goal now, to push a big red button that i know will do something bad and i shouldnt push it, which is why i want to push it) anyways, then we walked back to the car, drove around, saw biulding and long lines, then left.....thats it, we went to unos and then my greatgrandmas home. oh well im just glad i didnt have to run across streets in heels anymore!! gah i almost fell!!!
i went to church and yesterday our minister stoped by cause they thought we were new, ha i got baptized there, which shows how offten we go to church. oh and senpai i need a list of all the chocolate/candy i can eat, cause i ate alo of resse's, cause amanda(un-hyper-amanda) told me they arent hershys. when i got back in my normal chloths, finally out of my dress cause we just HAD to take pictures!!! i went to sleep, thats all i did the rest of the day. i thought it was the next morning when i woke up.
i shall put up all my dc pictures up later. and we finally got our new computer, i pray this one doesnt break down. but today i have to go get my shots, so i shall have more bruises on my arm. T.T
oh and rebecca im gonna yell about maximum ride 4 now cause i've finished, which should already tell you something that it took me awhile to read it.ill give to you monday, and if anyone else reads this series and hasnt read the 4th then dont read this, unless you want the whole story to be ruined, if you have read the forth the go ahead and read, and if you have no idea what im talking about go out and buy th first three, just ignore the last part of the third one.
GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH kill patterson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(james patterson is the author) he has killed the storry!!!!!! this is suppose to be the last book and it better not be!!! but iit should be!!! it seems like he is draging out an ending since just before the end of the 3rd. he doesn't even end the series, they still have more of the world to save, max and fang dont get together, iggy still cant see despite the fact that he was leading it that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 gah kill him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i could go on forever, but i gotta hurry up and get dressed to go to my shots. T.T
Your terrible spelling and grammar never cease to amaze me. XD
ceases. im not the only one with out grammer. and senpai give me a list of candy i can eat!!!
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