
I'm a serial killer!!! *said in a happy sunshiny voice* XP

so yep duh i'm not in australia, and none of you believed me so that completley rained on my parade. but yeah i shall refuse to explane the title cause i want you people to guess what it means XP anyways the week before last was our homecoming, great fun and all cause we got to dress up but during the peprally which we had that monday morning the freshies who were sitting behind me had serious issues! they were talking during the anthem, yes you can do that to the alumater(sp?) but not to the anthem!!!! have some country pride, not that this country is really prideful at the moment but thats another post...anyways the freshies this year are horrible! and also the homecoming week some one stole sydnye (sp?) which is our academy classes stuffed animal so some one went as far as to tie the thing up with a belt and tie its mouth up O.o so the reward was a bus that i helped make, which said *insert school name* Bird club, cause at the time we thought mrs.A was doing it and she major bird freak. so this week sydnye was returned and we never figured out who did it...not like anyone really cared. so anyways that thursday was the bonfirer annnnnnnndddddd it was awesome and i still have frosting on my shoe!!!!! let me explain. my mom gave me a 20 and no one had change and i REALLY wanted a cupcake. sooooo i bought a whole tray of cupcakes, which was about ten and added up to 5 bucks. so i did sell some cupcakes but i gave the money to the fencing club who was selling them.i also played a game for 5 and bought a thing of brownies for 3 and a samll cake which i didn't like for 3 so all and all a good time and when the dj played summer a year long some one threw a bottle at their head and then there was a fight or something O.o i don't really know cause i was like on the opposite end of the field.
so now for next week....we took the psats and i had a really squeaky chair.... twas very annoying. and i finished brisngr, which was completely ruined for me cause i was looking at brom tributes on youtube and it had a comment about a huge spoiler and it didn't give me enough of a warning to look away TT.TT
yeah so today i worked on my awesome creative writting project which i shall tell you of later


Anonymous said...

so...u didnt go to Australia...?

and its Sydney.

*i keep telling myself i keep telling myself im not the desperate type...sitting out dances on the wall trying to forget everything that isnt you....*

fall out boy on my speakers!

Agamemnon said...

hey! that was my trick!!