so some odd year ago Graham Chapman died of spinal cancer. why do i even know of this you ask? well Chapman is a british man who studied medicine at Cambridge Univirsety and also was in a few comedies. what are these comidies you ask? well let me tell you every other bit of information before i say. he announced that he was gay/homosexual during an interview and he was an achoholic and was drunk on the sences of his most famous peice of work. now lets skip to his funeral-he died just days before his 20th annyverisary of his tv show and the other members called this “the worst case of party-pooping in all history." also said during his funeral: “…good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard, I hope he fries!”, and then pointed out that Chapman would have been disappointed if Cleese had passed on the opportunity to scandalise the audience. Chapman would have been offended had Cleese, the first person to say "shit" on British television, not used Chapman's own funeral as an opportunity to also become the first person at a British memorial service to use the word "fuck". and later all the others joined into a song of always look on the bright side of life.
now that i am done, for the most part i shall explain why you ppl should know about this guy. because he is... related to my old 4th grade teacher!!!!! XP no thats wrong, though they do have the same last names. this guy is one of the members of Monty Python!!!! he played king author in Monty Python and the Holy Grail which he was drunk on the set. so in honor of his great feat i shall be playing as much monty python as i can and everyone is welcome!! XP not really but oh well. why not just turn into bbc and see if they are having a marrathon, well they aren't and that is an ultimate blasphamy!!!!!
AUUHHHHG wall of text!!! RUN AWAY
amen agamemnon
just read! XP and rebecca got a blogger account?
R.I.P. Graham Chapman. He was one of the best Python crew members. Plus, you got to see him stark naked in "Life of Brian."
Michael Palin is my man, though.
*Always look on the bright side of life...*
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