
Yes, I Did Just Steal My Lil' Sister's Pudding, Do You Want Some?

So I'm doing all my college applications and have come across one of the most amazing essay topics ever:
If all of ACME’s products backfire, why does Wile E. Coyote keep buying them? (Any responses that include the word “because” will spontaneously combust!)

Yeah, so I'm deffinetly going to do that one.

So this Friday's gonna be busy, I'm ditching school to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and I'm goin to CNU for an interview, so I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.

I watched Avalon High Friday, the book was so much better. It seriously just killed the book, as always.

Um, who wants to read my Monty Python essay?

1 comment:

Isaac said...

I'm still waiting to ask my mom about the midnight showing...