and that to me beining on dayquil, hate thos stupid pills. but anyways this morning i fell down the stairs. not like falling my feet going over my head more like me landing on my butt and not being able to stop from sliding down the stairs. the banester was covered in those wreath things so i couldnt grab on to that and just fell. i miss my house, it doesn't have stairs that i can fall down...
lets see we went to a borders and i got a book and some hot coco and i am pretty much broke, but the manga section was awesome...i was quiet suprised. now we're about to eat lunch after attempting to play monopoly whovill style...not such a sucess
Sasha lives!!!!
i was able to convince my mom to give me one of the books that i knew was under the tree. and it was atlas shrugged, over 1000 and greatly philosophal
ummmmm.....i'm leaving today with my stepmom and i just wonder what that ride will be like...
Sasha has arrived...and she's beging a pain
and i can't figure out how to get songs i've already downloaded on to the thing and i can't get stuff of that accedintally got on her and ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if any one would like to help me...please..........
so i won't be able to post till i get back from my dad's so i'll see ya all next year, happy holidays and yada yada
*pause* *take a deep breath* *then start running again*
saturday me and mi familia went to meet my aunt and before we went to a shopping center with a vans!!!! i got a belt, 2 pairs of shoes, and 2 bags for around $60. extremly good deal. later me and rebec went and saw the day the earth stood still. it was okay, the plot seemed kinda sketchy tho, but the alien mites ate the giants stadium *roflol* it's my step dads fav team so i found it helarious and there were two ppl coming out of the theater who had giant's hats on and i was sooooooo tampted to ask how that made them feel. but i didn't...
guess that's it. i gotta do a project that's due thursday....
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)-Death Cab For Cutie
my step mom didn't make thanksgiving diner and the stuffing was bad so i only had one plate for thanksgiving. the next day we went to most of the monument in dc, saw abe and the like in the freezing cold with a bunch of kids...fun right?
i found that whenever any of the kids touched me i started to cringe away...thats how annoyed i was with them.
katie, 8 or 9, was the worst cause shes wayyyyyyyy to clingy. then there was her twin teddy who was cool till she just over-did it. scotty,7, couldn't take a joke and the little one was okay-ish. and my cousins were there the little one was never around it seemed and the other one was tristin...so whenever i heard his name i instantly reacted but otherwise he was pretty cool till he went over bored with the disney...and i got chastised by these kids whenever i said oh my god...god rest my soul.
it wasn't all bad, we played this game called outburst which was basicly family fued but rather than the top answers it was just random answers, but the directions were funny.
i rode the train home!!! not that great cause there was no one to talk to...i seemed to be surrounded by mostly old ppl...
And one day when he was bored he decided to make the sun!!!!
Deciding that that wasn't enough he made Mercury...that was a dud.
Next he made Venus...major dud with the atmosphere and green house.
Then he made Earth...and the oceans were filled with his tears. For as soon as these things that called themselves humans arrived the Earth was...another dud.
So he continued on till Pluto and decided to start on a new thing all together, hence making another solar system!!!
After that solar system filled he made another and another till he filled this galaxy. Then he made a new galaxy.
He never got it right.
So he went back to check on the humans and started laughing, causing the contenents to split...another proof of a dud.
As the humans began to grow some brains he decided to make some extra stars and sure enough the humans were distracted by the shiny thing...double proof of our dud-ness.
Now we remain distracted and BTPT is just coming up with other ways of distracting us...his dud.
yeah that wasn't that funny, but whatever....spaz.
I have a confession to make...
anyways I finally got breaking dawn from somebody!!! XP
I'm gonna be stolen by my dad for thanks giving and being returned saturday on a train, cause they aren't returning me in person...but i get to ride a train so i'm fine, for now cause i will be surrounded by like five little kids who are going to smother me...T.T
youtubes screens are weird now
so ummm my next post will be a total goof off like i originally planned. it shall be a story somewhat like me and super dork, if you remember him...though its been a long time and i don't even remember if i ever escaped prison.
Let's jus call this a sugar rush...
"I'm telling you I can read minds and you're worried that you're weird?"
ummmmm.....complete bored the rest of the week, turned in my script for creative writing which i will eventually post.
i'm talking to my mom and if i were born a boy my name would have been sean patrick....random fact
so back to my week yesterday me and rebecc saw twilight...hahahahaha, twas a comedy!
for those who wish to see it and haven't yet i shall keep quiet, but i must say one thing..
that does make sense.
pale enough to be in twilight
i just got of the phone with my dad and hes kidnapping me for thanksgiving. i managed to bring up to fact that i wanted to watch more monty python and he was like 'oh, did u get to go see that?' i was infureated and completely incamable of showing it, cause he was insaudi arabia and me being me and totally clueless didn't know and was angry at him for not even saying anything about python....me be a horrible person...TT.TT
smapression takes its heavy toll
ummmm........ i've barely eaten in the past few days, just haven't been hungry except for normal stuff like chex mix.
absolutely love all american rejects new song
ummmm i'm actually devouring a book, which has been a long time since all the books i've gotten haven't been so good but this is actually worth me droping my school work for. tis a series called wicked and the first two books are witch and curse which are the ones i bought.
tonights the last showing of spamalot.....T.T
really i need to work on my math before i get behind.........can't bring my self to do it.
yesterday i loomed around the house, i eventually watched holy grail with soem of the extras like 'for the ppl who don't like the movie subtitles from henry 8' didn't make me feel all happy and what not but still holy grail is always worth watching.
have i mention the last showing of spamalot is tonight.....TT.TT
stayed home sick again
well whatever my throat hurts like h e double hockey sticks and i had two languages today so huh yeah right if i could get out of school i was gonna and look i did XP but i miss classes, or at least the ppl in them. i now refuse to talk cause of my voice and am really sick and tiered of the whole get sick and stay home bit that my body just seems to feel the need to repeat over and over again.
soooooooooooooo............................. blargh
oh my class is going to hamlet tuesday i've just gotta turn in 11 bucks and tuesday TAI and we the kings and hey monday and carolina liar are coming and yeah i've been over this like a million times and i sooooooooo wanna go but i know it's hopeless, same with monty python cause one i dont have any monay and two my dad hasn't called me back about going with me either so another hopeless thing to think about.
and now i must do all my home work cause i need to go to school tomorrow for the hamlete thing and so that i can get major sympathy.
I will you be my vampire and motivation?
also I am gathering crazy and erica(both dudes i know from a friend, and yes there is a reason why one of them is called erica first it was just to tease him but this halloween he dressed as a girl so yeah)so anyways we are going to copy the Inside Man movie and robb a bank like they did, cause we can XP
and now for the hole motivation thing, i have come to realize that i am not motivated in the least and take nothing serious at all. so where i am at now is my lowest instinct and that if i actually tried, which i never thought to do, i could be some prodgy or something. so yeah i need to find my motivation along with my vampy XP
so today in history we went to china and coming back our plane crashed in the pacific ocean and only all 15 or so people in our class surived and landed on some unknown island. so of course our teacher drowned and we all had to start life on the island, get jobs, appoint some sort of leader, and start some format of rules. so yeah i was more like an advisor to the leader, who was megan cause she just i the type.
eh me all done
philosophy-if i get no comments to this i swear...
alright so small children who can't comprehend the simplest of things like ethic should just stop reading now or i will cause your head to explode. also people who are likely to argue with every little thing should embrace for impact cause i will type you out, XP note that i don't mind comments and such and the oh well that doesn't make sence due to such and such but if you just flat out say that my philosophy is wrong you will be destroyed, through a comment. note i do take this semi seriously, which is the most i've actually taken anything seriously. and also note that i've been reading ayn rand over and over again and though i do not believe in everything she has stated through her novel she has made an influence.
so yeah her it goes...be warned...
so yeah before i really say anything of importance take one note of how i define philosophy. it is a word with verious deffinition and can be taken multipule ways if chossen. so first let me state how i chosse to define it. philosophy is a way of thinking and living your life, point blank, yes i could go way deeper into that and those few words are just the surface point but if you go to deep into the meaning of one thing we will get lost for each thing, word or statement, has as much meaning as the oceans, if you submerse in it you could get lost and unfocused and since this post isn't just about philosophy's deffinition i cannot go any deeper than the surface, that and sometime the surface is as much as the depths within.
so now that the deffinition of philosophy is determined you must know the feelings of philosophy. some refuse philosophy thinking that it is more of a religion than a thought processes, this mainly came from kids being taught philosophy through religion. yes philosophy contains religion but it is not contained by religion, as if saying that to use the internet you have to have a certain email account. note this is the best way i feel that this concept can be described though it is not as clear, but the concept itself isn't clear. so people are forced to a religion through parents, and feel as if they cannot stay loyal to their religion if they explore philosophy, this also in part has to do with how most chinese philosophies are also religions. so to most people philosophy is some sort of blaphamy when it is only the thing that contains religon.
if we understand the animosity some people feel to philosophy we can understand why philosophy is some what of a rare subject, for people would rather offend some one in politics rather than religion. some people think that their religion is their philosophy, not the other way around. for example if a catholic is loyal to their religon yet believs there money is better spent going to diffrent organizations rather than going to their church they are neither being disloyal or sinful, for if it is their philosophy that what ever organization the money goes to needs it more it does not hurt their religious asspects at all, even if they give no money there would be a reason behind it therfor a philosophy or principle behind it.
now that philosphy and its concepts of religion are clearedi shall dive into another part of philosophy. values and ethics. though most base their values and ethics by what is good fo the society or for their religon values and ethics should be based on what is good for ones self. for though this may seem to be egotistic and greedy it would cause no greater harm, unless we lose all sense of pity. for some people still give so they feel as if they are helping and if they didn't feel as if they were helping would they even bother helpng at all. ethics and values if based on the individual would be on the selfish acts of the indivdual. and since all humans are made of the seven deadly sins greed is always going to be a concept. for even the kindest person wants to give. if we base our ethics and values on the society it will only be the society that lives rather than the indiduals holding up the society, same for the religon. if we no longer question our values then we are only holding up something other than us and are not helping ouselves.
and now i am being butted off the computer so i can't write anymore. that and my hands are starting to get really tiered and i have succesfully accomplished nothing more than debasing philosophy itself rather than going into my own reasons for my thinking. sorry XP
paper chase
in a death cab for cutie mood and being picked up in japanese
now moving on to japanese...twas funny and uh yeah pretty embarasing for me, i was subjected to a bad dialouge set up. so yeah the thing was that the guy i was partnered with was at a party and he was gonna try to pick up some girls number and yeah lucky me i was the pretty girl to be the one he was 'picking up'...so yeah tho i am happy for the complement uh yeah...i was picked up in japanese
against over aged trick or treating
gotta be somebody-nickleback
yeah i love this song, the lyrics are all messed up but me too lazy to fix it
tis the season to be joly fa la la la la la la la la
Mr. Curiosity
home sick
my dads gonna take me to monty python's spamalot XP happy dance
song for a friend
love deprived
i was sooooo close to being like house
soooooo my mom took me to the doctors as soon as i got home, so they ex-rayed me and stuff the doctor actually offered me a cane!!! tis true and tis also true that i didn't take it cause all i was thinking was that i would look eminselly funny walking down the street. at this time no thought of looking like house and being able to trip ppl had accured to me. the guy gave me 4 days off of pe and an elevator pass for one day, that was awesome though and i only think he did that cause i was ranting about how misterious the elevator was and blagh blagh. but yeah the elevator sooooo didn't match the rest of the school, it was like red, like in a searse or something. so yeah my knee is in a brace and stuff and i'm totally regreting not taking the cane, partly cause i pushed myself cause i wanted to play pe yesterday cause we were playing tennis. and my knee was burning, for lack of a better description, last block.
so yeah now i shall explain my last title. so we have this project in creative writting that we have to make a whole movie, write the screen pla make songs and film it, so yeah we, lindsey, sam, and me are doing a horror film about kids getting locked in school and they are all slowly dying off and guess who the killer is!!!?!?!?! yep tis me the one who would be the most unlikely to kill anyone, yet i might be the most insane O.o but anyways the project is awesome.
I'm a serial killer!!! *said in a happy sunshiny voice* XP
so now for next week....we took the psats and i had a really squeaky chair.... twas very annoying. and i finished brisngr, which was completely ruined for me cause i was looking at brom tributes on youtube and it had a comment about a huge spoiler and it didn't give me enough of a warning to look away TT.TT
yeah so today i worked on my awesome creative writting project which i shall tell you of later
the tale of a dead man
now that i am done, for the most part i shall explain why you ppl should know about this guy. because he is... related to my old 4th grade teacher!!!!! XP no thats wrong, though they do have the same last names. this guy is one of the members of Monty Python!!!! he played king author in Monty Python and the Holy Grail which he was drunk on the set. so in honor of his great feat i shall be playing as much monty python as i can and everyone is welcome!! XP not really but oh well. why not just turn into bbc and see if they are having a marrathon, well they aren't and that is an ultimate blasphamy!!!!!
what a lovely morning
leaving monday morning
-----------update-------------cause i had to eat dinner the totally forgot till this morning-------
so now my list for anthem about all the random things that popped in my head during our socratic siminar. 1. now please picture a bunch of 45 year olds playing Wii 2. now picture all the ppl in the city pulling off their human masks as soon as equality and liberty leave 3. all the ppl in the city are thrown into a ditch by a bulldose (this is esspecially funny since they had no bulldosers) 4. the council members and equality are having a socratic siminar, one of them talks out of turn and that starts a fist fight 5. all the council members go out on a secret mission to destroy New York City and Tokyo with a club
yeah you won't really get that if you haven't read the book.
i saw egal ey yesterday, ignore the stupid critics who almost prevented me from seeing it. all the great movies are far-fetched like star wars, lord of the rings, bourne identity and etc.!!!!!!! XP
yeah, yeah, yeah
131 post
phycologically dumbfounded
Que pasa?
so guess what...
i only noticed that i was home alone when the neighbors rang the door bell to look for their kid
no title just ramblings
read the essay
this is my personal essay for those who'd like to read it
Thoughts roam as they will and they will never change, for no one can disapprove of thoughts they never hear. I find my mind wandering territory I never could imagine existed until I, myself, saw it with my own mind. So now that I have been down this road, or train of thought, I find myself going again and again to search through all the roads that lead off this track.
The first two roads are simplistic, one going left and one going right. So out of pure curiosity I stop and look down both roads, though I am already certain that I would take neither of these paths. The rode to the right was well traveled and looked as if half the world had walked through it. There was a light at the end of the road that seemed to be as bright as the sun, yet it seemed either fake or too real to believe in. Farther down the road to the right there were steep steps leading up into the stars and dark sky.
I then turn back to the other road to my left and see an almost equally traveled path. This path was as full of dark shadows as the other was full of light. Though this path seemed to spiral downwards far down the path. This path to the left was much like the one to the right, though they looked so different. They both seemed too real to believe in and so transparent it must be fake. As I turn back to the way I was originally going I notice two words at the bottom of each of the paths. The word in front of the right path said ‘Good’ and the word for the left said ‘Evil’. Two simplistic words for two simple paths.
I continue down the path I was on and went passed many other paths. All these paths were as simple as the first two and were labeled just as simple. All the paths always had the same two directions, one side going left the other right. There were always the two paths, never one alone. There were ‘Betrayal’, ‘Greed’, and ‘Lies’ to the left and ‘Trust’, ‘Give’, and ‘Truth’ to the right. All the paths I had passed so far were one or the other, a clear shot to wherever the path was headed, never more complex than picking one. The paths, for the most part, were clear, no obstacles to block the goal, therefore I thought the goal must not be such a grand prize. For what could you get for no more effort than picking what you want.
As I wonder down this main path, I wonder of where this path goes, for all paths must go somewhere. Unless this one path splits, it will continue on, and as it seems now, go nowhere. Then I wonder if there will ever be any other path that I would like to take, and if I would take it.
As I continue down the path searching the others, I notice that the further I got the more complex the paths are. Not just the paths to the left and right, but my path’s terrain seems rougher to. Though my path had gotten harder, I had barely noticed. I was focused on going on, continuing my journey, and would not get discouraged by something so simply fixed with some perseverance.
The words of the paths I passed became more complex and not all of them were white and black. Then I find myself stopping at a path to the right named ‘Curiosity’, the path opposite being named ‘Tempest’. The one I faced held a mysterious air that made me want to dare enter. The path seemed to go on and on with no end. I thought of going through this path, leaving the one I had been traveling behind. But then I looked back to the way I had been going, at all the other options I would pass and all the difficulties I would have to pass to see those other choices. I turned back to face my path and realized I had been facing to the left, facing the ‘Tempest’, only thinking that the path was ‘Curiosity’. I looked at the real path to the right and saw it was named ‘Refusal’. I smiled to myself, now know I can refuse being tempted, and continued down the path I was on, wondering if I would always be on this path.
The paths became more frequent as I traveled on. There became a time where there was not a rode on each side. The first rode that did not have another was named ‘Rebellion’. The rode was on the right, but rather than going straight and up it curved until it was parallel to my path was. But then it went off to the right again and continue so far that my eyes could not see. The path was covered with obstacles that went with the word and I was tempted to stray from my path and face the challenges that came with ‘Rebellion’. I shock my head and turned around to see if I could still see the ‘Tempest’ in the distance. I could barely see, but I knew that it was there waiting for me to give in. I looked back at the ‘Rebellion’ and smiled sadly, even though I would like to go I would rather continue down my path. So I continued back down my path wishing I could travel both.
Another path caught my interest as I headed down my own. ‘Thought’. It seemed to be full of twist, turns, and complexities. I tried to follow its path with my eyes, not daring to step any closer to the path. As it swirled to the left, I examined all the different obstacles that lined the path and thought how a person could ever make it to the end. To find an answer I thought more of the word, and saw that it was more complex than I could imagine. This kind of thought, so deep and full of philosophy, could never be simple and risk free. I stepped closer to the path and was overwhelmed by the sense of responsibility, complication, and pressure. I immediately stepped back for fear of not being able to handle the pressure the air around the path. This path was not for me, for though I love all the many thoughts that exist I could not comprehend the thoughts this path lead to. Rather than ‘Thought’ it should have been named ‘Challenge’, for all the thoughts the path lead to challenged everything the common mind was built up of.
As I continue on my rode passing all the options I could take, ignoring each one of them, until I see something in the far off distance. I paused for a second unsure of my decision to move on or quickly chose a different path. The paths around me still seemed like nothing and I saw none that I would ever pick. I know that everything comes to an end eventually, but an end seemed to soon to be. I walked on mindlessly, hoping a path that I could go down would show. None did. But I knew that the path I was on was my own and it was where I should.
I reach the end of my path, never turning, and am disappointed. My journey is over and I am left with just the word at the end of my path. I turn back around and look at all the obstacles I had passed and all the other paths I refused to take and realize that the word I had found was right. I turned back to the word and bent down so I could run my hands over the letters. The word was carved in the ground with handwriting that fascinated me as much as the word did. ‘Wanderer’. Before this journey, I would have never considered the word to have much importance, but now at the end of my journey I treasure the word as if it were my own. I stand back up to look beyond the end and then carefully stepped over it. I shall continue to wander and wonder where I shall go.
Let me wander, let me roam. Do not hold me to one single path, let the options continue. Though I know I will not pick just one path and will keep wondering, let me have the option of choosing. Let me be free to pick if I change my mind, though I know I will not. Though I am fated to stay on one path and never turn, let me feel as though I have the option to change my fate. So I can feel free. If it is my will to be free and is my own idea to be free.
bored out of my mind
*insert random title name here*
another set of classes
first day of school
every time i prush my teeth i hear lets get the party started
6:03 AM
view from the window in nearish washington. and i'm not gonna put up sepia cause blogger's being mean.
trolly in some place in north VA, it was buy this studio, that was great! but i had to much respect for the artist to take pictures
clearing in the woods (where i only got 2 tics, which is a whole lot better than befor)
the brilliance of the amazon recamendations
post summer boredum
but heres how my days will go:
A1-Wolrd lit. & comp. 2 A2-PE 2 A3-Creative Writting/Cultures A4-Global Studies 2
B1-Japanese 1 B2-Geometry B3-Spanish 3 B4- Earth Science(cause ppl are stupid and put me in biology before earth)
but my locker should be in a conveniont place this year.
quotes from holly black
from valient: "You know," Ruth said, "people don't cry when they're sad. Everyone thinks that, but it's not true. People cry when they're frustrated or overwhelmed."
and from ironside: "It's like I'm hiding in my own skin."
i saw jumper, great especially if you like the bourne series, and i saw stardust(finally), which is an all around great movie.
♥☻☺ ♀☼m-»c
i have no clever title for this, so you come up with one
another point to hold here is that we have the freedom of press, religion, assembly, and so on. but those rights are, for lack of a better word, repressed by acceptance, as in people think its wrong for you to read such and such or no one else likes that show, so why are you still watching it. we are supressed by our culture, so do we have any power? we give up what rights we have to be accepted. so despite the fact that we have those rights we dont use them. because we have been living in this type of culutre for so long we follow the trend rather than make a new path. so to leave this post with a point blank statment our culture is our curroption
O.o o.O
so later yesterday(yay complete change of topic!) i was on quizilla and if you go to quizzes theres a take a random quiz button, so i was playing with that, but i kept getting "7 minutes in heaven emo" quizzes, O.o then we watched avatar, our family time together this week has been watching the new episodes of avatar, so for those of you who dont watch the basic jist is that the girl was trying to get revenge on the guy who killed her mother. so of course if i had control of my voice i could go on and on about the subject of revenge, and tell mike off about how revenge is just a sweet poison, but throat hurt too bad to explane such a simple consept to him.
i hate being sick
Krissy and Kristin: New Post
and sorry i wasnt on at all yesterday, i couldnt look at any kind of print, and looking at the keybored is making my head dizzy again. all i did yesterday was stay in bed and watch tv, and playing my game boy advance(too poor to have and sp or ds) but i couldnt read at all with out starting to feel nausies(sp?). and my throat was sore, still is and i have a major headache. XP kill me now!
todays mission!!!!!!!!!!!
hilton head last week
bye for now im supose to be watching my baby sister(who i call ichigo, cause shes got strawberry blonde hair) and shes crying
a blue october song that guys should live by
there are two versions of this song, balance beam and fairy tale. but it has these assential rules for guys!!!
- you got to take it kind of slowly
- you gotta hurry up and make your move
- you gotta tell her how you feel (the other version says 'tell her that she's pretty' but this one is more important)
- you got to be the perfect gentelmen to shake her world you gotta make a bend
i do love that song, and am now hating that theres another version XP
and yet another vacation
i read wicked lovely, which is really good, and we went to knobles in PA and even for an amusment park, which the logo looked like it was just gonne be for little kids, it was pretty fun and they actually had cool t shirts. XP
so later today, we just go back last night, i shall be taking off to go to atlanta then my final destination..... and i'm riding all by my lonsome, not counting as an unacompanied minor either. so i have to wait in GA for like an hour layover XP
see ya guys when i get back, if i ever get back for more than two seconds
and of course the updates go all the way to the climax leaving me alone in my suspinsion!!!!!!!!!!!!! *spaz!!!!!!*
a looooooooooooooooongg "vacation"
frekin' hot
why you may ask? well first off i don't need a reason, but rebecca is quiting school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and no shes not quiting her education but shes going to her home school leaving me at this stupid program alone, tough i won't miss her(me being stuck up) me and maggie and ashely and courtney and elizabeath and shelby and kaytlin and a bunch of other people are going tohave joint custody on rebecca hiding her in our closets.......................................................................
SHE IS SHUNNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diffrent points of veiw can be the same
waste all your time with life
LONG POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and today in Mr.D's class, we are playing this nation game which has a news report, run by mr.d i must point out, that tells us whats happening in other countris. i was talking about exiling ashely cause she was touching my bruises, then a report is typed that there was an attempted assasination on Montieth(my last name, i don't know why he used it) so i was in the hospitle and the Rock star was hospitilized too(don't ask me) so we apparently swapped life stories and it was love at first site(thats how mr.d put it, though he spelt it wrong). then me and the rock star get married and my friends are investigating my attempted assasination during my weding.......??????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!??!!!??!?!???! yeah mr.d married me off............................................
pathetic=my life
also i think i sprained my ankle from shuting it in the screen door :(
and i got mail!!!!!!!! from the pratt institute in NY, O.o why i don't know, it also says i'm a junior!!!! but haha im getting mail from collages :P
i want a trapt cd!!!!!!
today is the day of the parenormal!!!
catholics are odd
i noticed alot of odd things about my first time seeing a first communion.
- they don't drink the wine(i know this beause i was trying to bust the kids for breaking the law)
- the kids all look like brids and grooms(apparently the brids and grooms of christ o.O)
- it is treated like a birthday(they get presents, and money and cake)
such odd ways people have. now i shall go finish my english project due tomorrow.... its at notsoeco-safe.blogspot.com
my name is ....... i have no name
my friend just mailed me this video/song
What's wrong with the world, mamaPeople livin' like they ain't got no mamasI think the whole world addicted to the drama Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin'In the USA, the big CIA The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own raceThen you only leave space to discriminateAnd to discriminate only generates hateAnd when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah Madness is what you demonstrate And that's exactly how anger works and operates Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all People killin', people dyin'Children hurt and you hear them cryin'Can you practice what you preachAnd would you turn the other cheekFather, Father, Father help usSend some guidance from above'Cause people got me, got me questionin'Where is the love (Love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the loveThe love, the loveIt just ain't the same, always unchanged New days are strange, is the world insane If love and peace is so strongWhy are there pieces of love that don't belong Nations droppin' bombsChemical gasses fillin' lungs of little onesWith ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin'in Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug If you never know truth then you never know loveWhere's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)Where's the love, y'allPeople killin', people dyin'Children hurt and you hear them cryin'Can you practice what you preachAnd would you turn the other cheekFather, Father, Father help usSend some guidance from above'Cause people got me, got me questionin'Where is the love (Love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the loveThe love, the loveI feel the weight of the world on my shoulderAs I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colderMost of us only care about money makin' Selfishness got us followin' our wrong direction Wrong information always shown by the media Negative images is the main criteria Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanityWhatever happened to the fairness in equalityInstead in spreading love we spreading animosity Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under Gotta keep my faith alive till love is foundPeople killin', people dyin'Children hurt and you hear them cryin'Can you practice what you preachAnd would you turn the other cheekFather, Father, Father help usSend some guidance from above'Cause people got me, got me questionin'Where is the love (Love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the love (The love)Where is the love (The love)
that was black eyed peas: where's the love
answer there is no love, we are humans and as such we can only make mistakes and hurt others.
whatever i had a doctors appointment on friday and i apparently almost had an ear infection(i don't get the almost) so if i dont take nose sprain after a cold ill get and ear infection. :( over the weekend i played soccore(i kicked the ball ove the little kids head!!), played baseball, and basketball. so unusual for me to play sports, but i do it when i dont wanna think about something. report cards came out friday: 1 bs 2cs and an e, but im not dead.
oh and go see my blog for english!!!!!! notsoeco-safe.blogspot.com
i have no clever and witty title for today
and my mp3 died on the bus so i had to walk home in silence
i finally got a B in spanish!!!! oh and PURPLE PLAUGE!!!!!!
and this was for a grade!!!!
my school is weird.
logic is just a fancy way of saying stupidity
on a seperate note yesterday when i stayed home from our 'family' shopping trip she started asking questions about if i was depressed, was being picked on at school, was in a fight with one of my friends, or if i was gonna bring a gun to school and start shooting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where did she get this, i'm just sick, how does that affect my mental status!!!!!!
blargh(my new favorite onimanipia)
forced into watching my sister on a teacher work day
kill victor!!!!!
save me
has anyone listened to the songs?
also!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone had better had been wearing virginia tech colors, shame on those(REBECCA!!!) who didn't. but for those of you who are blissfully unaware, you remember the shooting there, well it was all over the news last year so you should know. but its the year anniversery so we should have a moment of scilence for them......wait hands held high(cant be silent for this song)!!!! anyways, we wish the familys and freinds hurt by that maniac with a gun who was upset about something with his gf, rest and peace and for those who are living give them a peace of mind and the will to be stroung.
thats enough sentements for me. whatever, adios!!!
okay the movie took a while to take and then i found the new chapter of fma and im eating the left overs of my fav resturant so i am in ubber joy mode!!!!!!!
rebecca's mad at me cause i didnt give her my last oreo :( and she says shes giving up blogger and isnt even gonna check it anymore, such a sad tale. but youve ppls still got me, and since i dont think shell read this(and if she does it doesn't), and i know you all ♥ me more(or at least thats what ive delusianed myself to think). ive gotta write an essay, do a reading lab, and fill cards up with a bunch of junk i wont use anyways. :( i hate school, and life.
my boring weekend
get up at 5:30am get my contacts in get dressed make my lunch go on the computer or lay on the couch till 6:10am to get in the car and ride to my bus stop then wait in the car till the bus comes then we drop off some ppl at a school that i dont go to then we ride to my school and get dropped off in the back where the doors are locked so i walk around the school to get in then wait in the common then go to the history classrom say hi to ppls(thats where everyone is in the morning) then fo upstairs to my math class(algabra 1) and we basicly goof off all class cause our teacher doesnt have much work for us then the announcements, then i mock the announcments then i go to science(biology) and hang with rebecca then i go to the lunch room at the exact other end of the school and eat with maggie, then they kick us out of the lunch room and we go outside then to the library then i go to study block and finish my history home work and sometimes talk with elain then i go to history(world history 1 and geography) and am bored out of my mind and shae messes with my hair then the bell rings i go to my bus we go to the other school and then on to our stops and at around 3 i get dropped off at my stop and walk my mile home and get on the computer to blog. thats a basic aday. so so boring. and such bad grammer.
another exciting day in the life of me (NOT!)
our school had a fire, from the air vents or a laptop(i heard 2 diffrent stories) so we had late dissmisale, cause we stood outside in the burning weather(did i mention it got warmer?) watching the firefighter, not caring enough to put on the seiriens, do whatever they were doing. but i touched one of the fire trucks!!! XD but no one would let me ask if i could get a ride, or have one of the axes XP. but after that i had to stay after school to take a makeup test XP i dont know all the drugs and what they do, so what!!! wouldnt they rather me stay innocent and naive??? ppl are stupid.
see you guys later!!
today we lived in froks!!!!!! :(
Should I cut my hair??????!?!?!?!!? im gonna donate 10 in to locks of love so it would be about shoulder length. so far ive got 2 ppl to say yes: mr.d and brain.
and about a million(or most of the people i know) who say no.
anyways, i had to dress up again to go to a father daughter dance(oh joy!) and i think that was my first school dance, all for k-8, i hate my life. but ive never had any intrest in dances so it didnt matter, but the fact that i went to one for middle schoolers and bellow is sad. plus the fact that they didnt play the chacha slide when they were teaching the kids to dance, all they taught was 2steps. i went to the snack food place and got chocolate!!
-gotta go pack see ya!!!!
and ppl pushed me cause of my april fools joke-that i was going to quit the academy we are all in and was leaving back to my normal school that none of them go to.
and i was going to donate about 8in of my hair(this one might be true)
i had more to say but i forgot it or i just dont think that anyone cares anyway and i have nothing hyper to say except that you can actually comment on wordpress during school without being loged on as a teacher.
cloning: something immoral but has some benifits. that was all we talked about in science and yet we still havent had our debate yet.
more random stuff to bring up........................................................... oh yeah we were talking about midevil love????????????? but i still love the midevil ages!!!!!!
vent about exercise
brain washing
no title
and my lil sis(caitlin, cause im gonna use her name now) is obbsessing over the bday partty shes goning to that i will crash. and its for a guy so ive been bugging her about that.(haha its fun tourchouring ppl, even if i dont know how to spell it)
oh and im wathing pink panther now!!!!!
also me and ashley haev been playing agame to study our vocab. and speeking of school, has anyone read the oddysse?!?!?!!?!? i need help, i cant get past the 2nd page, and we're suppose to be done.
my sister(same one) is asking me how to spell things!!!!!!!!!! haha she is such a fool!!!!!!!!
and my mom was bugging me about how i dont call or go over to ppls houses and ill just email ppl. well im not such of a phone person and as for the other one it doesnt matter.
hmmmmmmmmm................what to type?????????
"Breaking out of super dork's prison(finally)"
super dog and super dork were asleep so i called gazzy and iggy and they blew the place up setting me free. i gave up on trying to draw the right alchemy circle cause it was too much effort.
i wanna go swiming soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!