
Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful, But the Mail is so Delightful

So we are actually getting snow this year, it's weird. But today is a snow day and I'm already bracing myself for how they're gonna make us make it up. Last year it was an additional 20 minutes to the day.

But anyways snow aside, I got an email yesterday from CNU, my top choice, saying "congradulations again on your acceptance!" My first response was "Again?" But whatever, I got in so I'm ubber excited. My actual letter should come today though.

Um, that's all I got


I Made a Ballad for English, Read It Please 'Cause ... uh ... It'd Mean A Lot to Me

I walk back and forth
Turning east, but going north.
Turning ‘round the stories told
Of an adventurer so bold.

They say “He travels like the winds,
Making quick all amends.
With all his good, there is no fear
Yet no one knows when again he will appear.”

Yet with all these tales
All with no details
I find myself walking back and forth,
Turning east, but going north.
Turning ‘round the stories told
Of an adventurer so bold.

My mother had once said
“Fortune leads those who can be led.
So if you be a fool be fortune’s,
Avoiding all others misfortunes.”

I’d say Mother told truth
For that is how I ran my youth.
But now it has me walking back and forth,
Turning east, but going north.
Turning ‘round the stories told
Of an adventurer so bold.

Once I found myself with a fortune teller
And she said “You have a future stellar.
The right place and time you shall be
But beware, with honor comes a fee.”

Her words echo in my mind
Swirling about ‘till they ‘come intertwined.
So I walk back and forth,
Turning east, but going north.
Turning ‘round the stories told
Of an adventurer so bold.

With a friend I had gone
Cause he had said “Let’s reach the dawn.
For we shall be the heroes of our land
As long as we fight the bad with our own hand.”

I followed him and his words
As a child follows the mother birds.
But now I am left walking back and forth,
Turning east, but going north.
Turning ‘round the stories told
Of an adventurer so bold.

Yet our friendship could not stand, alas
For this is what he told me last,
“As the fortunes had once said
You shall rise once I lay dead.”

His words made all my honors spoiled
Hearing their praise makes my mind soiled.
So to repent I walk back and forth,
Turning east, but going north.
Turning ‘round the stories told
Of an adventurer so bold.


If You Must Know the Fovea is the Part of the Eye that I Already Forgot About

Studyn' for my Psych essay and it seems I erased everything from my mind right after the test. Guess I better re-learn it all for one more day, actually a little less than that.

I got an email saying I should be "expecting good news" when I get my letter from CNU. So I'm trying really hard not to be excited about it 'cause I don't that I'm officially in, but still I'm excited. Oh and I got accepted into Roanoke, my back up, so I guess that's some sort of accomplishment. But when I was opening I cut my thumb.

For Thanksgiving I'm goin' up to Kentucky, meaning a ten hour drive up and back. I think I'm gonna get some school work in the car, or alot.

I'm currently avoiding a seven page paper, so far I've got a title...and it's due tomorrow at midnight. I think I'll be ablt to get it done.

Yesterday I had to stay after so that my old spanish teacher could tell me about Italian club, but since it was a short meeting I got a ride with Monica and tagged along with her to some random activity where we were baking banana bread. It was fun, I haven't actually cooked in what seems like forever.

Yeah, that's it


Well Great, Now I Absolutely Can't Wait for the Next One

So of course I saw Harry Potter Friday morning at 12:01 and if I can only say one word that word would be awesome. Though I bet it'd be confusing for people who haven't red the books. I was sort of looking forward to the goodbye's with the Dursleys but that didn't happen, but oh well. I cried at the end just like I knew I would.

So after HP I went home and slept till 8 so that I would have enough time to get ready for my interview. We left at 9, got there around 10 and killed the extra thirty minutes looking for parking. The interview went pretty well. It wasn't like what I had expected though. I assumed it would have been some old person interviewing me, but it was this nice girl who had just graduated. It was pretty chill and laid back, so alls well that ends well.

Once I got home I slept some more. And that was my day.

My family is watching Christmas movies already, much to my dismay.

Hmm, despite all the sleep I had yesterday I'm still tired

I feel like I should have some closer here but can't think of anything


The Beatle's Are Made of Awesome, Just So You Know

Right, so, I've been trying to get work done while listening to the Beatles. This method worked last time, but I just can't concentrate now.

I've officially applied to three colleges now, transcripts are on their way at least.

Senior year is becoming a pain with all the work, really wish I could have a lunch my senior year at the very least, but I guess not.

On my AP Gov essay I wrote today with my partner we had to write about the 2012 election and we called the republican candidate He-Who-Can-Not-Be-Named. I hope my teach likes the referance. I really wanted to say something about the world ending but my partner wouldn't let me.

Take 5's are amazing


If life is handing you lemons,
Tell it to wait.
You only have two hands,
Which sometimes isn't enough.
So hit pause,
Grab a bag,
And then go on,
To making your lemonaid.

Guess that's my random thing for today. Yesterday's was my head got lost on it's way to australia cause it could only find walking directions to China on Google


Yes, I Did Just Steal My Lil' Sister's Pudding, Do You Want Some?

So I'm doing all my college applications and have come across one of the most amazing essay topics ever:
If all of ACME’s products backfire, why does Wile E. Coyote keep buying them? (Any responses that include the word “because” will spontaneously combust!)

Yeah, so I'm deffinetly going to do that one.

So this Friday's gonna be busy, I'm ditching school to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and I'm goin to CNU for an interview, so I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.

I watched Avalon High Friday, the book was so much better. It seriously just killed the book, as always.

Um, who wants to read my Monty Python essay?


So If I Could Only Listen to 2 Bands the Rest of My Life, Currently it Would Be Mumford and Sons and Thriving Ivory, How 'Bout You?

So since there is no school today I think I'm gonna do all the school work I've gotten behind on, such as two three page papers that were due midnight of last night. I figure the penalty won't be that bad, actually more like I don't care about the penelty.

Anyways, another thing I've gotta do over this four day break is edit my essay for CNU, which is due the 15th, so I'm thinking I should do that first. My essay is about Monty Python, go figure

Oh, I think I forgot to metioN HOW I got censored from the newspaper, cause my article would "stir up contradictions amoungst parents". I thought it was imensly funny, and concluded that I am a real journalist now that I've been censored. I mean, it was just about how the federal government has the need to file us all under some race or ethnicity and you apparently have no ethnicity if you aren't hispanic or latino. All in all, the federal government is just over stepping it's boundaries yet again. ....... I've been totally corupted by my AP Gov teacher, I mean, when have I ever cared or even known about the federal government's boundaries

ummmm, I wanna type something interesting, but I really can't think of anything. Though I believe my typing speed has increased as my thinking proccess has slowed.

My step-dad has already put up Christmas lights, so I figure if the lights are up I can sing my carols, but I'm only singing them now cause it's something to sing that I have implanted in my head.

Speaking of songs, I've had Bohemien Rhapsody stuck in my head for like ever, pardon the total teenage girly-ness wording. But sadly my ipod has a greatest hit cd of Queen's that desn't have Bohemien Rhapsody, or Under Pressure, so I've already denounced this cd.

Pumpkin bread with a small bit of Nutella is heaven, just saying

My astronomy teacher, a total Star Wars geek, had us watching bits of Star trek yesterday, it was probably the lamest fight scene there ever was. I swear to God, whatever guy was in the costume as an alien was laughing his head off all the while.
But it's all good cause despite my grade, I love astronomy, or more like I just love talking about aliens all class. But it inspired a new story idea: an alien comes down to Earth, but since they look exactly the same as us we put them in a psych ward, which actually seems plausable, huh?

Watching music videos on VH1 is fun and all untill they repeat the same song more than a couple of times. But at least its music videos, which was the original purpose of the station

uhhhh, yeah I think I'm done with rambling for now


9 days 8 hours 57 minutes and 40 seconds

I love how mugglenet has a countdown thing for the next movie, I've got my midnight ticket already and I'm SOOOOOOO psyched!!!!!!


Hi! Sorry I've Been Gone So Long, But You Know What They Say...That's Life

Yeah so, I don't really know. Life's been life, what else can I say?

Schools going just as slow as I expected, I mean it is senior year, so I figured it'd go by as slow as possible. There's not much to really talk about, I'm the person that just listens to the gossip on the sidelines, and if it's about some one I know I go to them, but it's never about me. So I don't really have any drama to talk about.

Ummmm, uhhhh, I got accepted for my senior project, I don't remember if I've gone all out to explain it or not but the basic thing is I'm gonna write a fictional book on what the Water Wars are gonne be like, so now the thing to do is actually start working on it. However it just seems like I'm either doing homework, staying after school for some activity or another, or sleeping. So I figure I'll work on it a whole lot more during break.

Ummmmmm, for Halloween I went to visit my dad in Kentucky. They had a little Halloween party, age ranges 30 and up or 10 and under, so I didn't really fit in. I just sat by the fireplace reading Wuthering Heights, which I left there, and got told I looked like a statue a couple of times, once they thought I was Mary, go figure?

So when I was in Kentuck I had KFC and in Philly I got a cheese stake, officializing my goobness.

My senior quote is: Life is full of can'ts: Can't wait to get here, can't believe you're here, and can't wait to move on.


Hmmm...instead of some meaningful stuff I think I'd rather rant about school

Right so school started Tuesday. My first class is AP Gov, with THE teacher to have in our school. He is SO energetic, it brightens my morning. The first class he jumped up on the desk like three times, you can't NOT smile in that class. So despite the fact that I'm not big on government and all that jazz, I'm still psyched to be in the class.

After Gov, I have AP English, which is alright, most of the people I know I'm not really close to and the others I know are the goofy popular kids that joke around, which is ok, i know that there not limited to that, its just I don't know them all that well. But the teacher is pretty chill.

Then it's Latin, and it's not the same monty python loving rambly teacher I had last year, its some strict old lady that has killed my love of Latin. Though she is a writer, so it might work out in the end, but already two classes of homework I'm not to sure about that.

And the last class of my a-days, is journalism. And I LOVE it!!! The teacher is amazing and flexable and all and seemed to understand what I was talking about when I said I liked Monty Python for the ice breaker thing we did. The girl I sit next to is pretty cool too. Plus I think I already got a story I could write about, but I'll talk about it when I get to my bus ride.

Anyways the next day are b-days, and my first class of this set is AP Psych, and this is yet another class that the teacher is so amazing and wonderful that my mornings will never be dull. He's talkative and brings everybody into his analysises and stuff like that, plus the fist day he put on some random 60s music to lighten up the mood. In addition to his just amazing-ness, some people apparently turned in their notes but they got lost, and he asked me, since my notes were just SO good, if he could give a copy to those students, well of course I said yes, I mean, flattery will get you almost anywhere

So after that is Astronomy, and my teacher is a big Star Wars geek, which suits me just fine. Plus he seems really open to all the ideas and conspiracies out there, like aliens, not really certain of it but not completely against it either, just like me. Plus who doesnt like looking at pretty stars XP

And after that is Math Analysis...with the well known demon teacher of my school. I had her before and survived, so I just gotta do the same this year. Luckily one of my good friends sits pretty close to me and is hlepless in math so that I go and help her. So I think I might survive this

Last but not leats is my Global Connections class, the only purpose being the project that will let me graduate from the academy, that has to have some globl connection and all that jazz. The bright side is that everyone in this class has been together since freshman year as the group within the school thats in the academy. Plus the teachers alright, very sarcastic, we all had him freshman year so we sorta know each other, he's the one that made us play this silly game where there was an attempted assasination on me, and when that didn't work I got married off.

Overall I think this years gonna be great, there are only two class I don't get a real good vibe about, and they aren't on the same day, so it should be good.

On to my after school bus ride, over an hour of us just talking loudly. We just talk about whatevers on our minds, and one time we ended up having this long and deep conversation about the ethnic sheet we had to fill out and why it mattered and the point of hispanics having their own box. This inspired me to start and article about it and the perspectives of the students and the purpose of the department heads. But otherwise we just talk about random stuff on the bus, its fun though, minus walking home


Dear Dora, Please for the sake of my sanity, run away from home or something. Please!

So on my birthday I had banned Dora and Caillou, though Blue's Clues was acceptable, as long as it was Steve.

On that note, I got Steve Burns CD, Songs for Dustmites, amazing, Steve is a genius and I want him to go on tour so I can see him in concert and force him to sign my CD. Also got a Juanes CD, Juanes is a Colombian singer, y es muy guapo. His voice his amazing though, even if your not looking at his face. I'm in love with his voice, and his music is really symbolic, at least the parts that I can translate.

I've been in a major play mode, which is good cause I got A Streetcar Named Desire, the script that is so much more than the movie, though its hard to get enough of Brando.

Yesterday I watched WALL-E for the first time, and it was real cute despite the dialogue lack. But it made me want to try and make a movie without any dialogue that can still hold today's audience. After WALL-E I watched Casablanca, another b-day present, and was just as amazing as always. On the subject of movies, I just finished watching The Book of Eli, the plot was good, the effects were amazing, though I'm not a good judge, the acting seemed good, but some home it was still missing something. Like I wasn't really captivated, I was still sitting on my couch watching the movie, rather than watching it from the sidelines of the world the movie created. It was rather disappointing,this was exactly the kind of movie I would have liked.

In other news I should be getting my schedule the 28th-ish. My last high school schedule, I can't wait!!!

Psych notes are very boring, the section on sleep made me want a nap after every word, the section on hypnosis put me in a sort of daze, and I have a feeling the section about drugs is gonna give me a headache that'll force me to take advil. Kinda ironic, huh?

Gosh, I feel the only real substantial thing in this post is the stuff I rambled on about The Book of Eli. I promise I will write more stuff that are 'comment worthy'


Woke up in the mornin' feelin' like ... watchin' Rocko's Modern Life and Rugrats

I'm such a child at heart. I woke up at three this morning to watch Rocko's Modern Life, then Rugrats, then Blue's Clues. Saturday morning cartoons come on a bit to early for me, but I was originally gonna get up at two, so I did sleep in a bit. Though it wasn't such a good idea considering I went to sleep around 11-ish last night.

Other news, I finally finished Cuckoo's Nest and watched one of the movies. So now all I have to do is finish analyzing symbols and come up with some themes and motifs and that junk, then write 5 reading logs, one of which will be about the movie and how much the story-line changed, especially the fact that McMurphy didn't have red hair. Though the three main actors were pretty good, except for the hair color thing.

After I get all that done I get to move on to Psych notes! And I actually am kinda excited for that, but still don't wanna do it at the same time.

Apparently I'm not allowed to go stag for prom. We had gone to the mall and as per tradition, I had to drag everybody in Jessica McClintoc's, I have a very strong feeling I spelt that horribly wrong though, but this shop is well know as far as name brands go, of course we only went there after the carousel. Anyways for some reason or another I have it stuck in my head that my prom dress needs to be red, so while we were looking my mom informed me that I had to find a date to prom, not sure how that's gonna work out though.


I saw two rocks happily married

Am watching Sayonara, and loving it!!! But sadly the movie keeps skipping. Either way the movie is epic, I understand the culture stuff and some of the Japanese, plus watching Marlon Brando try to pronounce all the Japanese words is histerical!!!

Other than that I watched a Hitstory of the World Part One, and am thinking I should take up the challange of making Part Three.

Hmm, I also watched Pretty Little Liars, a girly drama show that sucks you in so that you can't not watch it. But every time I watch it, I'm reminded of something my history teacher said, "Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone." Funny how little, childish sayings can be really relevant to life as a whole.

Trying to write an essay for MMC, and am finding it difficult to pick a topic, though I think it might end up being Monty Python, seeing as it is a liberal arts school and one of the suggested topics is pick your favorite film and discuss it, and of course my fav is the Holy Grail.


OH MY GOOD GOLLY GOD!!! GUESS WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Today is my 'Men's Shirts, Short Skirts' Day. Though I'm kinda cheating by wearing a skort, but I don't think Shinia will mind much. But I also straightened my hair and put on my hat backwards so it looks like a baree(sp? the french hat thingy?). Point is I feel like a poet. XP

Despite my poet feelingness nothing much as happened today. Watched Blue's Clues, read manga, read OFOTCN, and watched House.


Yep, Ya-huh, Yeah, Sure, Alright

I'm in love!!! With my new pair of jeans that our perfect in everyway a pain of jeans can be perfect. Plus they were six bucks, originally thirty somethin'. I can't wait for September, when it's cool enough for me to wear my beloved jeans.

Trying to read OFOTCN but its weird and I can't seem to get into it. Hopefully Once I read a little more I can get through it. Sadly out of all the books we're supposedly going to read this year, this is the only book I can't get the audio copy for.

-sigh- My summer always seems rather uneventful. Am hoping to go see Sorcerer's Apprentice soon and get my four-leaf clover from Ireland XP

Anyways I should get to reading my novel seeing as I can't have someone read it to me


I Just Want this 'True Love' Everyone's been Talking About

So I just realized I totally forgot to rant on Avatar the Last Airbender. Went to see it Sunday with Mike and Caitlin.

Anyways the first thing that bugged me was how the chick that played Katara kept pronouncing Avatarwrong. I mean it was a cartoon for crying out lound, everything was already pronounced for you, not like there was any question on how to say it. She pronounced Aang wrong too. Plus the story line was chopy, like they tried to pick the most important eps but it still didn't really go along together. And they left out the Kiyoshi Warriors, you think that would have been more important than when Aang gets caught in the bender prison in some random Earth Nation. The whole movie was just off, I probably won't end up going to the next ones.

Other than my discontent with Avatar, I finally finished all my stuff for The Stranger and now have to work on One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest. My one true wish right now is being able to finish all this AP work before its due. Way too much work for my summer.


good golly gosh

spain won the world cup T.T

Anyways watched Remember Me yesterday just before the cup, took forever to watch 'cause we had to pause to do some clean up session. As for the movie, I really liked it, but it left one unresolved issue and the ending was completely unexpected. Like, I highly doubt anyone could have predicted it, or I just totally missed any foreshadowing. But it was still a pretty good movie, but I'm one for chick flicks anyways.

Today my mission is to finish my reading logs for The Stranger so I can start reading One Fell Over the Cookoo's Nest, which actually seems interesting. I think I might get the audio thing though just to speed up the process. In fact that is my plan for this year. I took the list of books on the list of what we should read this year and checked out all the audio books for each of them. Because I know that otherwise I won't read any of the books I'm not into, so hearing it speeds up the unmoving process.

think I'm gonna watch A History of the World Part I while writting


I can't Supress, so I might as well Confess

So I was listening to "If I had You" and while listening to the song all I could picture was some club with strobe lights, but whenever I actually look at the words it almost sounds like a romantic song O.O I really don't understand that

Watched Invictus yesterday, loved it! And right after watching it I imedeately looked up when the next Rugby World Cup would be, next year in September, at New Zealand. I found the host country a bit ironic seeing as the movie is new-ish and the guys the South African team went up against in the final round was New Zealand. But I was the only one in the house laughing at that irony.

Anyways today is the last day of the World Cup(Football version, or Soccer for the Yanks)!!! It's Spain vs. Netherlands and I'm rootin' for the Netherlands!!! I'm only really cheerin' them on 'cause of Lieka, an exchange student from there that was at our school last year, and she was so adorable. But anyways I'm excited for the game.

Oh also today is a month from my birthday!!!And I've got about 20 some odd days to finish all my English AP work T.T All I have left to do for the first book is to type up 3 reading logs and fill in one box of the worksheet. Problem is I have no clue how to fill in the last box.


It might just be better to forget, rather than be dragged down by love

Hmmm, not sure if I like the new changes or if I'm just not used to them. I suppose it doesn't really matter either way.

Anyways went down to SC for the week, we kept going to the pool and beach but I never went swimming T.T Posiden banned me from the water.

While at the resort we watched the games, and after Germany lost I decided we would have octopus for dinner as revenge against the octopus that predicted Spain would win. So no I'm rootin' for the Netherlands to win the Cup, seeing as I at least know one person from there that was an exchange student this past year.

I've sadly already come to the point where I can't wait for school to start, but first I gotta finish all the AP work that's due this August. I finally finished reading The Stranger, it was soooo pointless and irritating. How can no one ever not have an opinion?!?!?

Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family, with stuff for the next and final movies. Psyched for both of them, though a little nervous, hoping they do well with the book to movie transition.

Hmmm, I think I've run out of things to say


What do you do when the joke is real? Just laugh along

Psh, US is out of the world cup TT.TT

Trying to read The Stranger for AP English, I hate it, the main character is really annoying and it never gives you the first name.

Sooooo, anyways, I kinda just wanted to post to post, don't have much to say. Saw Toy Story 3 today, it was amazing


More of the World Cup

La di da dum. Cameroon just scored. Not exactly in the game, but I think I'm gonna root for Denmark. Yesterday the US totally got cheated, ref gave a yellow card on the one guy that didn't foul. T.T We would have won if that goal counted.

I've got nothing new to talk about really. Started working on my AP Psych summer homework, just cause I know that I won't ever really start till late so I might as well do a little at a time. On the note of AP classes, I have discovered that I really do want to take AP Spanish, but have no open classes. The only things that I'm not required to have are AP Phsyc and Latin II. Can't drop Psych, cause I don't want to and I've already started the homework. And Latin II will get me a chord since I'm in the honor society. But I love Latin and the teacher I should get next year, however that teacher might get re-assigned, which would probably kill Latin for me. I mean my teacher knew all the Monty Python references I used. Plus I'm not sure if AP Spanish had any summer assignments. But I really want to take it T.T This year it would all be conversational rather than gramatical like this past year.

Anyways, the reason I got re-inspired to take Spanish was cause I went to school with my mom yesterday and I met the Spanish teacher there and we talked, in Spanish of course, and he told me I was pretty good and I shouldn't quite and all that. Plus he knew Juanes, the amazing Columbian musician.

-Sigh- It seems I won't ever be completely done with Spanish.


Finally Hitting Senior Year

The moment I could call myself a Senior was the moment I began to look back on Freshman year. It’s all blur now, as if those days we're so far away, even when only a few years have gone by. Lots of things have changed, a lot has stayed the same. I’ve done a lot of things that I could list, going on and on, but I don’t think I have to. Everyone has experienced life in high school, and those memories last forever. It may be a pain in the moment, but these memories will be brought back with a smile.

The first day, the first step, it all is different. I for instance fell off my bus seat, but other’s tell a story of their own, that is theirs alone. The first all the one’s that will always be imprinted in our minds. Our first date, first kiss, first love, first love lost, first time driving, first car, first accident. First failure, first success. These memories are now only things we recall, but that means that we will never lose them.

I now know people who have driven me insane, people I’ll never forget, people I’ll be glad to never seen again, and people I will cry for when they leave. I remember my crushes, especially those that I thought were love. I remember fights, make-ups, all the pointless stuff that had been forgotten by the next day. I can recall all the people I have come to hate, and the person I hated. I’ve gained and lost, but in reality the important thing was that I made it through it all.

Everything that has happened since I stepped on my bus the first day has changed my life, and shaped my world. The things I’ve written, read, and done, all were part of the moment. I’ve cried and yelled and broken down completely, but I’ve laughed and learned and shared with some of the best people I have ever met.

Though it was a pain to go through, I believe I’ve come to love my high school experience. The ups and downs and what I became because of it.


tied the game, but can our hearts say the same?

So I remembered something I wanted to say something last time Xp

Anyways, we were watching From Far and Away with Tom Cruis (who didn't look all that bad in this movie). But Cruis is Irish, so of course he's drinking, and he's clutz. So I am wondering if I'm just naturally drunk cause I'm Irish and that's why I'm a clutz.

Hmmm, I guess that's it


US vs England, bad dancers

World Cup!

US and England are about to go, and I'm getting excited! But I was watching some of the players warm up earlier and it looked like the were trying to do some dance routine, but failing.

So, the major disappointment this week was that I spent all my money on the field trip to the mall and can't afford the new Monty Python movie, He's Not the Messiah (He's a Vary Naughty Boy). It should be epic, but I won't know ...

This week seemed to drag on forever and ever, plus Friday didn't even feel like a Friday.

Apparently you have to get your senior prank approved by the principal . . . I think that's one of the most rediculous things I've heard. This year the seniors were gonna get water guns and spray everybody coming out into the parking lot, or pull the fire alarm and spray people coming out. They only pulled the fire alarm, which is no fun. I wouldn't have mind being wet cause of the heat.

England scored T.T

Monday's the last school day and then exams, I only have two, both on Wed.

Toy Story 3 Friday!


We'll always have Paris

God, I love Casablanca. It's an amazing movie. So is A Streetcare Named Desire. We watched both those in English, and I'm loving it! Now we just finished watching Cinderellaman and are starting the Patriot now, both good. I love movie days, hate working.

Let's see in History I've got to write a 6-8 page paper due on the 9th, and my topic is american enviromental issues. I think I should be able to get it done but who knows.

I can't wait for tomorrow, going on a field trip to an art meusem and then the biggest mall in our area, which has a two-story barns-and-noble. Plus we are going to gt AP assignments, not real good and I'm missing part of my favorite class, but I'm finding out if I get this one teacher I want.

Cut my hair on Sunday.

Got in a really small car accident on Friday. See the lanes in my nighborhood fit two cars, one going each way. And people decide to park on the side leaving room for only one car to pass by. So the car heading towards me decided to speed up and since I didn't want to hit them I tried to pull to the side, but since I was going th speed limit I couldn't stop that quickly and hit the car parked next to the road. They got a dent and scratched off paint, the car I was driving got the right side mirror broken and I got guilt.

But otherwise I've been good


Books hold more than words, they carry memories

So right now I have either sinuses or allergies, neither really a big, but still a major pain. Last time I had allergies my doctor wanted to take all my book out of my room. I promptly told her she was insane if she thought I could ever do such a horrid thing.

So I didn't think I would have anything to post, but I actually do. But I think I'm gonna save the drama for later and talk about silly things first, when I say silly I mean stupid side stuff that makes me smile when I think back on it or stuff that really just isn't that important.

Let's see, in my world religions class we are doing skits (or movies, if you chose to do so) and one person said that their skit would be the Monty Python version of the story because none of us are actors and all that. But as soon as she says that my teacher stare at me as if accusing me for curropting everyone's minds with Monty Python. Now I'm not denying that, but still the accusation was uncalled for.

I have no more state tests for the rest of my life!!!!

Hmmm, I can't think of more small stuff so I guess, I'll just dive into the drama.

Right, so Saturday night my step-dad, Mike, decided he was gonna go to some intervention detox thing for him being an alchoolic, which he is, I would know. Anyways, we were all proud of him and all cause it was a big step. But yesterday when he picked me up as I was walking home he told me he was gonna wait untill summer so that while he was missing work at least we didn't have to worry about daycare for my other two sisters. I got that, but majorly he was putting it off and that the more he put it off the harder it was going to be later. Yesterday was one of my sister's birthday and of course Mike suddenly goes on about wanting to go then. So after opening presents and sharing cake with the neighborhood kids, he draws out going untill around ten. So while they left, my mom taking Mike, I got the two girls down and fell asleep myself. My mom got home, I moved to my bed, heard the phone ring a couple of times, couldn't get up, and later heard Mike back home because the place wouldn't allow him to have his own room, with the ties that were in his pants, and the sheets they had were apparently itchy and he has sensitive skin.

Right, so I feel extremely bad for my sister. But I'm kinda mad at Mike because I know that it's only gonna be harder for him to commit to such a thing and all that.

So, not sure about all that, but I think I'll get through all this. I'm only here for another year plus some months.


So I think it sounds funny, but I’d like to hear what you have to say

Rain fell all over the big city, light drops of water that could not disturb the sleepless. It was the kind of rain that you could easily dance through if you were in the mood to. Vivian was in that mood. She stepped out of the theater, buttoning up her dark brown over coat and pulling her hair up so that it all stayed under her fedora. Each one of her movements was a small step in some grand dance that could only take place here and now and never again.

Yet a thunder clap disrupted the ceremony and brought down thick sheets of rain, the kind of rain that no matter what mood you had you began to feel depressed because everything was being washed away. The rain soaked Vivian began to run to some shelter, anything that would protect her from the water that was attacking. Finally she could stand peacefully under some ledge, soaked but still happy to be alive while she waited the rain out.

Cars zoomed past Vivian, as if her presence was completely erased, that was until one small black card pulled over to the curb and stopped in front of her. Out of the car stepped Daniel Zardoni, cigarette in one hand and a large black umbrella in the other. While Vivian was completely unaware of who Daniel was, the rest of the world knew.

Daniel stopped before Vivian, putting his cigarette back in his mouth and holding out a hand for Vivian to shake. Vivian’s face was painted with suspicious confusion, her forest green eyes looking over Daniel as if he gave off an air of supremacy, which he did.

“Hello my good lady, I’m sorry to have surprised you, but you seemed trapped within this curtain of rain. I am Daniel Zardoni and you, you must be my wife.” Daniel kept his hand out, open so that Vivian could easily reach out to him, a rare opportunity. But Vivian had been offended by Daniel’s outrageous prediction of her being his wife.

“I’m sorry sir, but I’m not quite so sure if I should be escorted by a guy like you.” Vivian turned her head, so that she could not as easily look over Daniel, though that is what she desired to do. Daniel was taller than her, but not so much so that you could describe him as ‘towering’ over her. He had well kept black hair and grey eyes that were full of confidence rather than dejection from Vivian’s words.

“C’mon, babe, we both know you don’t wanna be stuck in this rain. The man on the radio just said that this downpour was going to last awhile, and I hate for such a pretty young lady like you to catch a cold from standing out in all this rain.” Vivian was compelled by Daniel’s words, and while she had no intention of ever becoming interested in him romantically, she took his opened hand and allowed him to lead her to his car.

Vivian and Daniel sat in the back seat of the car, each sitting against a window, leaving the middle a blank empty space between them. The front two seats were occupied by two fellas that were dressed similarly to Daniel, suit, tie, and fedora. The one driving, Benji, was skinny and tall with brown hair and blue eyes that were focused on the road. The other one up front, Sammy, was well built and had true a Italian complexion, and was eyeing Vivian from the rearview mirror.

“Don, why’d you go and pick this chick up?” It was Sammy who had spoken, but not until they had pulled away from the curb and were emerged in the normal traffic. Daniel looked back over to Vivian with a smile, but his eyes were looking over her, examining the likelihood that she was out to kill him like so many others.

“Just listen to me, Sammy. You think I’m some kind of idiot who falls for any chick with a good set of legs?” With Daniel’s eyes still on her Vivian turned away, not wanting him to see her checks brighten and pulled down her red dress so that it may cover more of her legs.

“I certainly hope not, else you’ll be sleepin’ with the fishes rather than dictating where they lay.” Sammy was some sort of pessimist, the kind that just stated what was a bad idea and made a small side comment on it, but never intervened any more than that.

“Ignore him babe. He’s just sore ‘cause there’s something on TV that he wants to watch. Now you tell Benji here where you want to go and we’ll get you there, no problem.” Daniel patted Benji’s seat, trying to get Vivian to look back over to him. Vivian simply looked up to the review mirror, so that she could address Benji rather than the presumptuous man next to her.

“If you would be so kind, I would appreciate it if you could drop me off at the cafeteria of New York University.”

“So you’re a student at NYU? What are you studying?” Vivian turned to Daniel, since it would have been extremely rude of her to speak to him while facing the opposite way.

“I am not particularly studying anything. I plan on being an actress, in fact I just came from an audition for a new play on Broadway.”

I waited and waited for u to sit beside me, but u were behind me the whole time

I feel like I should have some kind of introduction before I go on rambling again, but have got no clue what I mean by that. *shrugs* oh well, it's not like anyone will care if I jump right into things anyways, who's gonna stop me?

So lets see, the guy I was talking about in the last post, for name's sake we'll call him my GerMan, cause he is a Geman exchange student after all (note this makes me liking him even more helpless because all the exchange students are leaving this year). Anyways I saw him at my one SOL, and he came in late and sat in the way back. T.T But maybe he will be in my last SOL or maybe fate will intervene and put us together, otherwise I suppose it's not meant to be.

My SAT scores sorta depressed me, I mean it was my first try and all but still, I really don't wanna have to take them again. Right now as far as colleges go, I'm only really thinking of three specific ones. CNU, which is real close to home and has an amazing atmosphere (plus a Chick-Fil-A on campus), MMC, a place in NY, NY and at least looks cool and has this amazing writting center, and the last one is SWU which is in Texas but has everything I want and this cool program where they have a bunch of bikes on campus and you can use any of them on campus to go anywhere.

Nothing else going on, got inducted into Latin honor society, and it was at the same place as al the other language honor socities, and I was sorta angry that I had never been invited to Japanese or Spanish honor society. But Latin's way cooler anyways, we have a whole Monty Python movie to reference.

Speaking of Monty Python, there are these cards that you can buy called Fluxx and they've got a Monty Python themed version that I wanna get. I'm still trying to convince my mom to order it for me off of Amazon.

Seeing as I've been going through a major Mafia phase, I have to written something along those lines, I spent on whole Math class writting quotes from the store I'm planning on writting all over my Math ws. So instead of that other story, I'm gonna post this story, mainly because I can't write anymore for the other one, named Fated (I think). The reason I can't write is because Apollo has left my blessing and the Godfather has taken over. What I write completely depends on what influence I'm under, which is a major problem because my influence always changes and I can never finish something.

Ummm, I think that's it for now. TTFN (and yes I am quoting Winne the Pooh)


breathe in and hope for the best, i'd pray but i'm not sure i can

so its testing week at school and all.
I'm pretty excited, truth be told. But seeing as that's somewhat out of character I figure I might as well explain.

So when I had my ring ceremony there was this guy I had never seen before sitting between me and Ashley. Yeah, enough said, I dragged him into out convorsation because he was cute and all but he humored me and it was nice. Anways, I had hoped to see him at the dance, but didn't. Later I added him as a friend of FB, but I also learned he was an exchange student from Germany, so I had pretty much given up, and figured it wasn't fate for us to be together and all that jazz.
However, for our testing we're organized by last name, so me and him will be in at least one testing area together. So I'm majorly hoping that we can sit next to each other and talk again and maybe play cards if they let us.

Please tell me if I sound foolish

Anyways other than that, I've been going through a major mob/mafia phase, and just watched the first Godfather. Loved it! Though I've always liked movies like that.

I was in the news Friday for being part of a prom that we held for the disabled people in our area. It was sooooooooo much fun and my feet are still sore. Our theme was Hollywood, so I dressed up in a red dress and my hat (that looks sorta like Sinatra's) and had the bright red lipstick and candy ciggarets. My idea was to look like the chick that swept into the PI's office askin' for help, when in truth she's completely involved in all the underground stuff.
Nice, huh?

Got chastised for not being able to cuss today, but it was funny, cause the more I refused the more Tolsten cussed, plus he was getting all rilled up with the game that we were playing today in the caf. since none of us had test and couldn't get another ride. Anyways the game was very interesting, there was marriage, divorce, insects, gay insect, sandwich, and doubles. O.o

In English we are now reading A Catcher in the Rye and I am absolutely in love with it!!! There is one part where Holden talks about how you can read a book and feel like you're friends with the author and you could just talk to them on the phone like old friends, but of course Salinger(sp?) just recently died and all and I got a little depressed, but not enough to quite reading. I love the writing style, it's real random but it's not uncomprehensiblely so.

So I just got done reading this burn book thing for my school and the only thing that I learned was that my school is full of people that the whole school is full of phonies and people who are just above it all. I mean every other post/comment thing was about how immature the person who made the website was, except no one said it real nicely. But I mean, they still read it, ie I'm no better for reading. So there are some good people that somewhat indulge themselves in the drama, but know good and well when it goes to far and then there are the ppl that push it, which is absolutely rediculous.

anyways, i'm gonna try to post regularly, see ya


my world religions class never learns anything, so i might as well post

so i was reading some old writtings and got nostaligia.

i had been having writers block on the story i had posted, but the block is gone now and i can continue writting. i figured out that i only get in the right mood to write it after having learned more about the gods and godesses in latin class.

anyways as far as life goes nothing major has really happened. i had gotten my liscense in november and i finally drove by myself for the first time a week or so ago. now i'm driving to school and having my mom just get out and change seats when i drop myself off. fun, huh?

so i've been getting worried about the senior project i have to do next year. but fortunately i dont have to come up with something cause mr.d has decided that i will be doing 5 blood drives next year ...
not too thrilled but considering its not that hard i might as well, i mean all we did at the blood drive yesterday was make forts out of the water bottles and cups. well mr.d used the water bottles, but my cup fort was waaaaaay better than his.

well class is over, see ya. i might post the rest of the story when i write it and type it up.


in english class

google has clingon as a language, nice

my teacher said it was a good thing that we can't speak it.

talkin' about how pale i am and its comparison to me being stuck in my room.

half the class is gone on a field trip so its nice and loud.

the attack of the zerossssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i only got one c on my report

i'm in a pretty good mood, maybe cause its friday

gonna go to the library saturday and hopefully met up with mi tia and then walk to the bookstore to sell mmy books and kill my soul, then sunday we're gonna go to her church and then to see clash of the titans and eat then go to barns and noble, what fun!!!


have word now, but still feel like posting this, comments, please?

The sands ran coolly over my feet, the desert ground lighted only by the moon and moved only by the soft wind. I reached the marble steps of a long forgotten temple, worn away by the sands of time, resting hidden among the cool desert night. The stars shined down upon the temple sadly, as if empathizing with the forgotten.

Within the temple, centered perfectly, was a tall statue of an elegantly etched woman reaching up to the sky. Her finger tips nearly reached the painted stars that scattered all over the ceiling. Her feathered wings were widely out stretched and seemed to be poised to take flight, yet remained restrained by mere will power. At her feet lay a small pond dust ridden water, tainted by the year uncared for.

The woman’s face was soft and gentle, her eyes staring desperately to the endless drawn night. Tears were held aloft in the corner of her eyes despite the fact that they were not etched. Her long, toga-like dress fell loosely over her, framing her every curve with a delicate touch. The toga was similar to that of the mortals’, but the back hung low so that the wings could fly freely from behind. The only other difference was the color, though the white marble was not painted to show this.

Engraved on the wall that held the pond was the story of the woman who was to forever stand within the temple. The smooth, yet dust covered letters read: “Navanya is the Mother Goddess. Goddess of and for the People. Goddess of the Wind. Wife of Xenonva and Mother of Vestria. Navanya is the pure sprit of a mother, who stayed with her child, Goddess of the Seas, even at the cost of losing place by her husband, King of the Sky and all Gods.”

I let the words role off my tongue as I read them aloud to the silent room. I kneeled down so that I was eye level with Navanya’s feet and bowed with eyes closed. I said my thanks for all Navanya had done in my life, for her constant presence. I looked up lightly and reached over to dip my hand into the pond and brought it back to my head, letting the water cool my face. The water was rough and sticky but it was my responsibility to show my respect for Navanya.

As I stood I finally peeled my eyes away from the statue to take heed of the rest of the temple. Wandering around the room, I swiped off the dust that had collected on my teal toga, noticing the mosaic beneath my feet. The mosaic was as big as the room and depicted waves and the wind being controlled by the skies. The columns that marked the entrance were as ornate as the rest of the building, everything swirled as if the wind had been frozen in stone. Torches lined the walls and columns but had burned out long ago.

Slowly I walked around in a circle, gently waving my hand over each torch to summon up the fire I had no control over. As soon as a spark appeared I quickly said my thanks to the God of the Sun for allowing me to summon his power for my own use. Finally the temple was completely lit and I could see the light blues and whites that colored everything, adding a soft, wind-like air to the place. Though it was abandoned and dusty, it was easy to picture the temple alive and full of people who were there for the simple act of being there.

“So this is where You run away to.” The voice echoed through the marble stone, warming the whole temple with its strong, self imposed power. The voice was as recognizable as the light of the sun, either there within sight or hiding on the other side of the world.

I turned back slowly so that I could face the temple opening, praying that the one now there would not take heed of how invading his presence made me feel. He was leaning against a column, the desert night painted behind him like a back-drop. The toga he wore was the same as Navanya’s, but it was dyed a rich, warm gold that shined brightly against the seemingly dull colors of everything around him. His eyes were a dull gold that shined out from his softly etched features that were framed by his rich blonde hair that was loosely tied back. Behind him, his out stretched wings gently folded in as he stepped forward.

“What are You doing here?” I asked grudgingly, holding my breath as I waited for his answer. Ignoring me, he went up to Navanya and carried out the same procedures as I had only minutes ago. While I waited for him to finish his prayers, I moved back over to stand by him, bowing my head once more to Navanya.

“You see, I heard all Your prayers of thanks and decided to come and see what was happening.” He stood, facing me with a certain deliberant attitude that all Gods had about them. My eyes slowly drifted to the torches that I had lit with the power of the Sun God, the power of the God now in front of me.

“Avo, You and I both know that hear every prayer said in your name.” I knew very well that stating this fact would get me nowhere, but I wanted to try to get him to state his purpose clearly. In truth, I shouldn’t have said my thanks if I wanted to be sure of no discovery, as I Goddess I had permission to tap into any other Gods domain without previous consent. However Mother always taught me to say my thanks, because Gods tended to have conditions for afterward.

“I can hear anything under the Sun as long as I chose.” Avo looked over me gently and started to move towards me. As he stepped closer I stepped back, running into the cool marble wall behind me. Avo looked away, trying to hide his sad smile and the dimmed sun that always remained within his eyes.

“I suppose this is the only temple that shows Your Mother as She really was.” His eyes left me for a few seconds to gaze around the temple, but soon rested back on me. Avo held out his arms so that I may take comfort, though I had already overtly turned away from him.

All my life Avo had been by my side, a light the lit all my darkened days. It was too natural for me to fall back in his arms, like how leaves fell to the wind. Despite my stubborn self, I’d always allow my guard to crumble at the warmth of his Sun. No matter what, he was the only person in my life I was sure of, the only one I could care to trust.

“I’m sure You miss Your Mother more than anyone could possibly imagine. You and Your Mother were close and that could never be replaced, especially within only three years. No one really expects You to just forget about Her.” Avo whispered his sweet magical words in my ear as he slowly patted my feathered wings. Shaking my head clear of his words, I pushed myself away so that I could face him equally.

“Avo, the other Gods are not quite as accepting as You are. They expected me to be over this within seconds of it happening; even the mortals only allow a year or so to mourn. There are no exceptions, even for a Goddess.” Though my voice remained even, I was breaking apart inside. As a Goddess I was supposed to be a figure of pure omniscient force, feared by all mortals who walked these lands. However my constant mourning ruined my imagine of invincibility.

“Technically I am still in mourning as well. Not even Fate can control other’s emotions.” Avo’s smile was soft and sweet as he held up the tip of his toga, which was dyed a deep black to represent mourning. I looked back down to where my own turquoise toga fell to the floor, the tip stained black as my trust.

“Right, if Fate really controlled everything Mother would not have suffered as She had. Although if Fate had no control I would at least hope Father would have taken some kind of action.” My voice was bitter and mistrusting as the words of hate flew from my mouth with no disregard. Fate had been behind the misfortune of Mother, but it was Father who had let it happen, which was just as unforgivable.

“I suppose my words are pointless if they fall on corrupted ears. But let me ask one thing, since You seem to be too stubborn to change course. Tell Navanya that I send my best wishes, for You are surely chasing after Her, even to Your own death.” His eyes held a pity greater than I had ever met with. I could no longer distinguish whether other’s pity was false or if Avo was simply the only one who had completely grasped my situation. Either way his words were harsh and stung at my already bleeding heart.

Avo turned back to Navanya and respectfully bowed before disappearing back into the night. Once he was gone from sight, so was the warmth he had carried with him. Now the air was as chilly as the cold stones that surrounded me.

With slow, heavy steps I made my way to the filth ridden pound at Mother’s feet. I kneeled down, tracing the inscriptions and my name over and over hoping that the writing would prove false. But no matter what I was always going to be Vetstria, Goddess of the Seas, Daughter of Navanya and Xenonva. I was always the child who held onto her mother’s feet, so that she could not stay where she belonged.

I laid my head against the cold stone, letting my light brown hair that seemed to have a clear taint of blue, fall into the tainted water, sending out small ripples. As the ripples spread through the pond, they glowed and purified the water so that the marble bottom was visible. I felt obligated to thank someone, but that would have been as pointless as Avo coming to comfort me.


blargh and meh

so i've got to finish an outline that was due friday, a ppt in spanish that was also (supposedly) due friday, and a video thats due tuesday that i have to make now cause my partner JUST emailed me his half, and i'd like to point out that he didnt even d all that was asked of him, but lucki;y for him i want an a to boost up the fact that i always get Cs on the test.

so thurday i spent most of my time in the nurse. i was fine first block and second block my contacts were giving me a headache and i started to get the chills and the sub slept all through class, almost. so second block i spit up in the trash can, went to the nurse, figured they couldnt do anything but give me crakers and water. so i went back to class, got sick again and my teacher called the nurse, who came down to get me with a wheel chair ... O.o

luckily the people in my class are cool and were worried about me, so there was no embarasment added, i was more worried about being wheeled down to the nurses office. so i was there from 11-ish to 1 and still feel kinda icky

i should be working or studying for my sols tuesday and wendsday, but i cant work anymore


Shawn Spencer

watchin my third season set of pysch and shawn just made a great gatsby refrence and I was craking up. i love it when tv shows reference old books that i've enjoyed.

we're readin a leason before dying, which is bringin back my slight cuntry accent, which is kinda amusing cause i'll be readin in class and some one interupts me from readin and when i'm talking to them they can barely understand what i'm saying. well it's not that surprising 'cause i learned how to talk in GA

i'm comtemplating sueing the school for when i feel and slipped under the seats in the bus, twisting my ankle around the leg of the seat infront of me. but it might be too late since this happened thurday


Butterfly by Jason Mraz

Was gonna do the likes and dislikes thinkg, but wasn't feeling it.

The title song is playing and I think it is the most beautiful song about sex every, cause if you actually listen to it it really is sensual and Mraz's voice just flows perfectly.

I'm takin the moment imaginin that I'm dancin with you,
I'm your pole and all your wearing is your shoes,
You got sould, you know just what to do to turn me on,
Untill I write a song about you.

Anyways, I'm finally in World Religions, and I prefer to sit back and let my opinions fester than argue with the people in my class. We haven't really gone over any religion yet but the concepts of religion itself, which is more interesting than anything else. Despite the fact that I have been baptized and undergone all the Christian traditions and still take part of it, I think I am more agnostic than anything else, but I'd probably never tell my dad that.

I get more annoyed at myself as I become embraced with the 'popular crowd'. It's not like the stereotype, but it's as close to what my school comes to. I get sick when anyone talks about some one badly, because its rarely ever justified. It's completely pointless and annoying, and the fact that I'll listen to it is even more stupid, I'd rather go back to being a wall flower than having a repeat of what happened at my old school, but that won't happen cause the types of popluarity is completely diffrent, at my old school there was intent, here there is just talking. Which is annoying to cause when people say it and act nice to another person when they don't want to they might as well be talking behind their back.

That one little paragraph had nothing to do with anything really. I need to be working on my study guide but I've got till Wednseday.

There is no House on tonight, at least no new episodes.

I've learned that I could never be a Taoist, because despite the fact that I barely ever take initiative with things, I do at sometimes, which goes against the way of the Tao. But the other priciples I follow just as much as I follow Chritianity.

I have heard nothing from Chick-Fil-A about a second interview and I'm just about to give up, but I really do want to work there and would hate to get another job making me unable to accept their offer.

My mom continues to try to marry me off, this time to an olypic skater, whose name I no longer remember. She wants me to email him and ask him to ring dance my response was '..., wouldn't he be training after this?'

I went to this thing called Latin Day at some college, and other than seeing a cute college guy, I saw that they had a Chick-Fil-A in the student union. Though I'd love to go there, I'm a bit conflicted because I wanna leave VA so much. I'd love to live in NY cause I am appealed to the big city, but I wouldn't survive the cold or the fact there is only one Chick-Fil-A in NY. Plus my step-mom is moving up to NY too.

I hate contradictions, but I practically am one. I fit my self to the people around me without changing who I really am. Basically I inhance some features when I'm around cearten people, which makes me just as bad as people who aren't true to themselves.


sadly I’m only posting cause I’ve got nothing better to do

so it actually snowed, which is very disappointing, or bubble that protected us from the snow has finally failed T.T


i’ve been going through yet another music phrase, consisting of fank sinatra and jason mraz. they dont really go together but, whatever




watchin’ jeff foxworthy, which just brings back my southern accent, but whatever




ugh, i said whatever waaaaay too much



i really have nothing important to say.


every other time we’re on the bus we talk about old tv shows, like p,b, and j otter and blue’s clues and pepper anne and doug and as told by ginger and all those shows that for some reason you cant even find on youtube. though blue’s clues is still on and ive been watching it at least once a week, so what if im being childish? blue’s clues is awesome, till steve left, but his band is good too



foxworthys hilarious



exams are a pain, but their halfway over, just four more left, english and chemestry monday and math and history tuesday. i still have to finish two reviews.


so i’ve finally decided i’m gonna take the whole get a job seriously. so i printed out a application for chick-fil-a and filled it out, which took forever cause i need 4 references and only was sure of one, and was gonna turn it in friday but was told they do a bunch of interview at once on monday at five. so now i have no worries about my exams but am freaking over the interview, and now im kinda like ‘the lady said 5, 5 am or pm? cause i know they arent opened till 6:30’




wish i could post about some deep and meaningful thing but i just dont feel like it