
Can I Have Your Autograph, Cause You're Amazing To Me

I like listening to music videos in the morning. I hate being a girl sometimes (but I guess guys really wouldn't understand). I have this teacher that is awfully sarcastic, and I don't think I could seriously hate his class. I am a romantic. I can be really childish at times. I have signed a couple of autographs, and it made me feel extremely special. I figured out why I am going to hire a private eye, to find Steve Burns. I believe little things can make a difference. Peter Pan was in my dream last night, God know why. I don't like wearing my glasses a lot. I love taking good care of my hair, but most of the time I just leave it up in a pony tale. I like to draw/doodle, but there's a reason my stuff is all "abstract". I can't stand Taylor Swift, partly because my ex always talked about her. I have respect for Mike Posner. My library fine is up to $72, needless to say it's not getting paid. One of my biggest disappointments was not being able to go see Monty Python's Spamalot when it was in town after being told my dad would buy tickets. I can't watch anything if I've missed the first few minutes, unless it's something I've seen before. Now that my cell phone has a full keyboard, I feel the need to spell everything out in a text. I like to know thins about the world, especially about the culture changes. I have had a small crush that comes and goes since freshman year, but I give up each time 'cause I know it won't work. I give up too easily, for example, this post.


Guilt Can Hit Like Hail

I love screaming "Don't do it!" in horror movies, even though I know it won't make a difference. I sometimes can't believe how bad a procrastinator I am. I'm really excited for all night bowling, whic is also on my half birthday. I met dj Saturday and have talked to him the past couple of days. I own 184 books, but I think I might have miscounted. I started watching a movie just because Frank Sinatra was in it. I have an unhealthy obsession with the mafia. I think that when some one says "be your self" you really just put up you're gaurd. Even if I had a car, I think I'd miss riding the bus. I hate when my ears and nose are cold. I think I could win "Don't Forget the Lyrics". I am actually looking forward to Febuary. I think I loose my train of thought to easily. My teeth are unusually sharp. My sister left her juice in my room. My toys are often stolen by my siblings. I want to hire a private eye for something complettely ridiculous. I IMDB almost everything I watch. I hate running out of things to say. I have the idea that I could be a radio dj, I just don't know if I have the voice. I can say a million words, but that wouldn't be enough to tell who I am.


I'm Watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail, for the Second Time Today

I wrote a 15 page paper in under three days. When I'm stressed I watch the title movie. I have completely given up on my Latin class. Water is sacred, but I'm sick and tired of it now. I have a two empty halves of a coconut and I bang them together. I currently need to write an article for the paper due Friday. I fell in love with a local guitarist Saturday. I will force all my children to watch The Black-Hole, a Disney movie. I fell asleep during Wall-E, and didn't ever get to any of the Toy Story's. I am addicted to Facebook games. I've always been curious as to who invented spell check. I love my science teacher for openly admitting that the answers are almost always "d. all of the above". During college, my mission is to become a movie buff. I already know who my doormate will be. I was on the phone for 20 some odd minutes trying to get through to a radio station. I'm a total geek and love exam days, I don't have to bring all my books and the days are short. I have my phone on me almost 24/7. I can't wait for graduation, but at some moments I believe it can take its time. I have yet to figure out why my bus driver seems to go the long way. I like arranging our DVDs, but they never stay in order. I have already listened to Panic! At the Disco's new song a million times, and it officially comes out the first. The bear from Toy Story 3 is my phone's background. I will eventually go to Doune castle. I try to read all my English books, but never really do. There have been some acceptions to the previouisly stated. I wrote about Water Wars for 15 pages, and because I was mad at the American school system, I let China win. I got my future husband's autograph. I hate not having blue and green higlighters, but I'm still happy to have a purple one. I love archery. I'm going to Pirates of the Carrabien 4: On Stranger Tides after prom, in my prom dress and all. I calculated how old I was in seconds last week. I geek out for anything Monty Python related. I feel weird when I hear people have talked about me. I have millions of gloves, and not all of them match. Disney classics are amazing, but I'd almost always watch a Pixar movie. I used to play soccer and do ballete and tap. I used to be in chorus. I used to be alot of things, but all that's important is what I am now.


I Saw My Future Dorm Room and All I Could Think Was: All My Books Aren't Going to Fit If I Have to Share...

I really liked the style of my other post, so I'm going to try to continue.

I have a 15 page paper due the 24th. I've only really written 4 pages of said paper. I watch Pixar movies almost every day now. I haven't watched Monty Python this year, and that scares me. I can't wait till I weigh enough to give blood. The title of this post is real. I believe the new student teacher in my math class looks like Steve. My classmates have confirmed the previous statement. My journalism class is ordering pizza tomorrow. I'm vice-president of Latin club, we have a meeting tomorrow. I am currently selling tickets to a local concert, 10 a pop. I'm also selling braceletes for a cancer victim. The school newspaper came out for the month, I'm selling for 50 cents. I think that if I got a car, I'd park it at my bus stop so that I could still ride the bus. I have a Snuggie. I have listened to the Beatles and Queen at the same time. Yes it was awesome. I try to be environmentally friendly, but it doesn't work. I really wish my English class could read something with a happy ending. I'm still friends with my exs. I can do almost anything if I have a friend by my side. I never understood fingerless gloves untill some one explained it too me. The abbreviation lol annoys me, but I still use it sometimes. My new campus is filled with cute guys, my mom was the one to point this out. I am going to rent a ZipCar and go to Target. I am rather glad that my dormitory is co-ed, but more glad that the rooms aren't. I love the game Aveyond. If I beat my mom in a game, I get extremely proud of myself. I rather like sappy romance dramas. When I run out of black ink I just print in dark blue or purple. I know I'm on Facebook too much.

I breath 24/7.



Dear World (or more like To Whom Ever it May Concern:),

Hello! My name is Kristin Elaine Monteith. A senior at a Global Studies Academy. 17. A Leo, even with the new system. Born August 11th. I'm an only child from one marriage, then a sibling to six others. I have a family of blood then a family of make-believe. I have brown hair and hazel eyes. My height is roughly 5 feet 2 inches and I weigh, at most, 110. I can be kind of spastic, but over all I'm a pretty chill person. I'll listen to almost anything, unless I can't tell the difference between the words and an out of tune instrument. I will read almost any fiction. I try my best to never hurt anyone's feelings, but I know that I have, even without meaning to. I don't curse in general, you could probably count the number of times I've actually cursed on your hands. I love Monty Python and would do almost anything to meet the remaining members. I dream of become the next star, but have come to the realization that it might not happen. I will never let go of my dream of becoming a writer. My back-up plan is to become a therapist. I have already been accepted to my first-choice school. I have chronic senioritis. As far as intelligence goes I'm just averagely above average. I love Pixar movies and have a Buzz and Woody doll to take with me to college. I never really stopped watching Blue's Clues, but I refuse to watch Joe. My bucket list includes being at Times Square for New Year's Eve. Also on my bucket list is to see Steve Burns in concert, or at least track him down and give him a hug. I know that watching Pretty Little Liars is rotting my brain, but I just can't stop. I cannot spell, in any language. I know at least a little of all of the following: English, Math, Spanish, Japanese, and Latin. I've become addicted to StumbleUpon. I started this blog 4 years ago. I have never really been in love, but I'm not worried since I'm still a teenager. I love Harry Potter and have been going to the midnight showings since the 4th at least. I believe I use up all the luck I get for finding four-leaf clovers on finding another four-leaf clover. I have seen all the Twilight movies in theaters, and laughed at each of them. My favorite color is blue and my favorite flowers our blue bells. I tend to spell things in British English. House is my favorite TV show. When I get a song stuck in my head I draw the lyrics out. I prefer to ride trains rather than fly on a plain. One of my absolute favorite pictures is of my class on a field trip when we all went out to the playground at Burger King. I love discovering new music that nobody else knows about, especially when I found it because it was free. I'll take almost anything that is free. I am horrible with my money, but I can take care of anybody else's money. I miss play with play dough. For the most part I am the typical, hormone-raging, teenage girl that loses her train of thought when a hot guy walks by. I feel required to fulfill some high school stereotypes, such as going to prom and homecoming. I believe that there is a yak animal cracker, and have had an argument over it for the past three years. When texting I actually spell stuff out. I drink sweet tea, and that's about it. I hate when underclassmen have cars when I don't. I like being a feminist, but I don't always follow through. I hate Nerf products, they should at least have one girl in the background. I wear contacts, but one of these days I'm going to walk around without them and my glasses to see if I survive. Lava lamps fascinate me. I'm single. I do a whole lot of community service. I've never had a real job. I love kids, but am still not convinced on the whole giving birth thing. I own too many hoodies and jeans. I hate when I run out of things to say. I have a plan to write a Pixar movie, now all I need is an idea. I'm a huge procrastinator. I read manga, almost daily. I love philosophy. I miss how I used to be so connected to the blogger world freshman year. I get along with almost all my teachers, but can't stand the exceptions. I believe 2 + 2 = fish. I still watch 90s cartoons. I know I'll never grow up. And last of all, I am me.
