
Can I Have Your Autograph, Cause You're Amazing To Me

I like listening to music videos in the morning. I hate being a girl sometimes (but I guess guys really wouldn't understand). I have this teacher that is awfully sarcastic, and I don't think I could seriously hate his class. I am a romantic. I can be really childish at times. I have signed a couple of autographs, and it made me feel extremely special. I figured out why I am going to hire a private eye, to find Steve Burns. I believe little things can make a difference. Peter Pan was in my dream last night, God know why. I don't like wearing my glasses a lot. I love taking good care of my hair, but most of the time I just leave it up in a pony tale. I like to draw/doodle, but there's a reason my stuff is all "abstract". I can't stand Taylor Swift, partly because my ex always talked about her. I have respect for Mike Posner. My library fine is up to $72, needless to say it's not getting paid. One of my biggest disappointments was not being able to go see Monty Python's Spamalot when it was in town after being told my dad would buy tickets. I can't watch anything if I've missed the first few minutes, unless it's something I've seen before. Now that my cell phone has a full keyboard, I feel the need to spell everything out in a text. I like to know thins about the world, especially about the culture changes. I have had a small crush that comes and goes since freshman year, but I give up each time 'cause I know it won't work. I give up too easily, for example, this post.

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